Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
I almost always buy strawberry jelly. Grape jelly isn't bad though, and I'd readily eat both.
I compared them when I ate lunch today. I made one sandwich made up of strawberry jelly and one of grape jelly. The strawberry jelly one taste better. I'm sorta obsessed with the flavor of it now. I would eat it out of the jar, but I'm not a glutton.
Not really into the jelly. I'm more of a 'reservatives' kind of guy.
Nutella is pretty good. I like toasting bread, then putting Nutella on it for breakfast or a snack. Nutella and Peanut Butter sammiches are pretty good as well.
Still like to have some sort of meat on my sammich, so those types will remain at the top of my list.
On the topic of peanut butter, has anybody ever had it with Ritz/Saltine Crackers?
I've tried peanut butter on saltine crackers and didn't like it. Never on Ritz. But on saltine crackers I just like to put some butter on them. It might not be healthy but it sure is good.
Almonds make my throat itch and burn I'm pretty sure I have a light allergy.
Peanut butter makes my throat itch quite a bit. It's like I have to drink a tall glass of milk so that it'll go away. Sometimes though it will just stay there. That's one of the reasons why I don't enjoy peanut butter on sandwiches. I'd rather just use jelly or preservatives alone on a sandwich. Or replace peanut butter with Nutella.
That's a good combination. But I've never had any chocolate nuts. I'll see what they got at the grocery store when I go shopping.
Also, I've heard that pistachio butter exists. Is this true?!
Pistachio butter? o_O That sounds kinda interesting. I searched Google Images and this is what I got: I myself have never even heard of such a thing. I don't know if I'll like it just based on the looks of it. But if it taste like normal pistachios then I will like it.