Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
Lol, I think I have a very high metabolism, probably because I can eat and eat, but then an hour later I'm hungry. The next day the stomach I got is gone. XD
lol i tried that :/ im not 'tough' enuf to get buff, so i decided thatr being a bit over weight is better then being under weight....i think i care too much about my body image and other peoples opinions :P
Are you people serious! Lettin' my favorite thread die during the cold harsh night! *calls off* Get the defibrillator! CLEAR! ZZZZZZBAM! CLEAR! [b]ZZZZZBAM![/b] No, no. NONONO! Wake up! *screams* WAKE UP!
*thread breathes weakly* *Beep. beep. beep*
You're alive? You're alive! Yea baby yeah!
Alright give it some air, clear of!
Okaayyyy, *claps hands* topic! Does anyone want to hear a nice story about a bridge? Nooo?. . . . . (Me) *sigh* You! get up here! *you runs up here* Yes sir? (Me)I'd like you to come up with an interesting topic for us to talk about on this, most lackadaisical of days. (you) ummm... (Me) And try top sneak a bridge into the topic would you? There's a good sport! *claps you on the shoulder* . . . . (you) Lets talk about: The dangers of poor house cleaning! (Me) That's incredibly boring, don't you think? (You) Well, I thought i'd like to ask anyone if those ads on the TV about cleaning are too over the top. Almost; obsessed with making afraid of germs. Those germs actually make your immune system stronger in many cases from an early age. Are those ads on the TV about cleaning too over the top? (Me) fine....