Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
lol. i mean before Coke took hold of Santa XD. But I wouldn't mind celebrating a saturnalia
That would have been in the 1930s, long before you were born. So Christmas still has the same meaning it has always had for the past hundred or so years.
Dang... We still have to wrap all the presents and things. That's going to take about 3 hours to do. It' really annoying to since I'm no good at it. I rather unwrap presents then wrap them.
Well all the wraping will be done on the 23rd and then on the 24th at night when my little brother is sleeping we'll put all the presents under the tree and then when he wakes up he will be HAPPY!
Just over 49 hours until Christmas.. I have little reason to be hyped, but I guess I'm fine. I love being hours ahead of most people in terms of time zones. I haven't participated in Christmas shopping for several years. My lack of money makes going out and buying a bunch of random rubbish in December pointless. I prefer avoiding the holiday rush. My current situation precludes me from being extravagant or even modestly jubilant.
Though last year the celebration I had was great. Things change quickly.
1-----Pages 1-23-------"Most Active Forummers" 2-----Pages 23-34------"Explosive Releases" 3-----Pages 34-35------"Sniffing Substances" 4-----Pages 35-40------"Legal Consumpion of Questionable Substances" 3-----Pages 40-42------"Illogisms" 4-----Pages 42-47------"Legion" 5-----Pages 47-80-----"Bears" 5A----Pages 70-80-----"Kirby" 6-----Pages 80-89-----"Radiocative Exposure" 7-----Pages 89-91------"Spontaneous Combustion Constituent of er..." 8-----Pages 91-96------"How Would You Like to Die? 9-----Pages 96-105------"Kiddie Movies" 10----Pages 105-113------"Awesome Pop Culture Icons" 11----Pages 113-161------"Internettisms" 11A---Pages 125-126------"Ice Cream" 11B---Pages 127-143------"Longest, Favorite, and Made-up Words" 11C---Pages 143-155------"Sarah Palin and Other Stuff" 11D---Pages 155-160------"Games" 12----Pages 161-167------"Mario Kart" 13----Pages 167-193------"Retro Gaming" 14----Pages 193-202------"Obsession with Upgrade Systems in Games" 15----Pages 202-208------"Shagging Sheep in NZ What?" 16----Pages 208-212------"Niu Zillunderz" 17----Pages 212-218------"Apples and Oranges" 18----Pages 218-229------"Hell Pizza" 19----Pages 229-243------"Unique Ice-Cream Toppings" 20----Pages 242-255------"Dollar Stores" 21----Pages 255-265------"Football" 22----Pages 265-269------"Ball Games" 23----Pages 269-290------"Perverts" 24----Pages 290-311------"Units of Measurement" 25----Pages 311-328------"Boring Topics" 26----Pages 328-339------"The Gaming Subsections of This Forum" 27----Pages 339-363------"Halloween" 28----Pages 363-400------"Why Can't We All Just Get Along? D: 29----Pages 400-416------"Corporation Inc...Sort of" 30----Pages 416-423------"AGv3 Beta, Drunken Animals, and Spongebob Squarepants" 31----Pages 423-435------"Inbreeding and Cricket" 32----Pages 435-442------"Christmas Decorations" 33----Pages 442-443------"Modding Other Sites (And Christmas Decorations)" 34----Pages 443-450------"The Friend Zone" 35----Pages 450-458------"Change to Biscuits" 36----Pages 458-472------"Restaurants and the Outback" 37----Pages 472-479------"Videogame Commitment Issues" 38----Pages 479-482------"Omegle and Chatroulette" 39----Pages 482-___------"Christmas Shopping"
I don't mind the cold that much. I'll just dress warmer and wear more layers. It's nice and cold out right now. About 20 degrees and the snow started back up. So I'm happy.
No snow here. No one that lives in the area that I live expects snow, unless of course a meteorologist predicts that it will. Surprisingly it's been very warm the past few days, the temperature is in the 60s or 70s.
I'd have done that on your profile but you disabled comments. Why?
Mainly because of retarded comments on my profile. And that the new AG3 thing is coming out. When it's back up though you can just post on the activity stream thing there.