Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
I thought it was illegal or something to call the Christmas holidays just that though. You can't say "Happy Christmas" on a commercial basis, instead retailers etc. have to use "Happy Holidays"? Or has it been that way for a while? I don't get it. It was all related to something about political correctness getting way out of hand.
that makes sense because you have kwanza, hannukah, boxing day, christmas. it's not just christmas. i never really noticed that until now and thanks for explaining what boxing day is ghost of matrix.
Boxing Day will be good - better than Christmas I believe.
You know being atheist Christmas has lost it's appeal, I wonder why...
Many people in New Zealand have lost the religious meaning of Christmas. It's a celebration of family, gift giving and food now. I don't mind that at all. It's unlikely that Christ was born on that day. Still, it does nothing to damage my religious belies.
I blame people who are offended easily. It's just a name. The holiday is mostly secularized anyway.
I don't understand why people get so up in arms about saying Merry Christmas. if you're JEwish say Happy Hanukah etc. Or just pick one. People shouldn't get offended because we're wishing you good things like a blessing.
I say Merry Christmas at work etc and I don't care what people think lol
I say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Being offended by that is an overreaction. In other news, just seven hours and four minutes until Christmas over here.
New Zealand. Australia's eastern coast time zone is two hours behind mine. It's 16:14 right now and daylight savings time is in effect over here and in Australia (I think).. We aren't the first to experience the rise of a new day, though we are among that group.