Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
Does anyone else eat these Cheetos hot fries or just normal hot Cheetos?
I'm eating some of the hot fries at the moment and they are so good. The only problem that I'm having is that I need to excessively keep drinking something cold to cool down my mouth and throat.
Normal Cheetos in excess will make me sick. By that I mean eating a whole bag. I don't mind eating a couple of them. I rarely eat chips anyways. So it's a good treat to have.
I've never had the hot fries.
They are good. But be sure to have a gallon of water right next to you.
Cheedos' are good, but the puffs are my favorite. And to keep this post on topic, I used to make 'Cheedos'-Puffs-and-Peanut-Butter' sammiches. When I was 4, so it was good to me back then. I think I may have killed off a few tastebuds though...
The Earl was playing cards. He was hungry, and asked for a slice of meat. However, he didn't wan't the cards to become soiled from his hands after touching the sliced meat. So, he asked for the slices of meat to be put between two slices of bread, so he could eat and play cards at the same time.
Being nobility, the food soon became quite popular, and was named after John Montagu's Earldom.