Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
I dont eat chocolate. My immune system mistakes it for a threat and kicks into overdrive for any dairy product. Also baseball is boring unless there's a home run. Football is more fun to watch. Both kinds.
I fell like I left this thread a month or so ago and the topic was basically the difference between American and British language and what not and I find myself returning to a very similar topic. Hmmmm.
I can't even figure out exactly what the topic is. Chocolate, the legacy of the 4th Earl of Sandwich, and sports?
Do the Australian players (national team) always make a habit of smacking each other on the ***?
That's what Australians love doing. Smacking each other on the ***.
I feel so ashamed. Why do it? I don't watch cricket because it's boring. I played baseball at school a few times and it was worse, it lines up next to golf in my opinion.
He means that aside from baseball, the other mentioned sports could be fun to play. Dunno how hard that is to understand.
Golf is fine, but following a ball all day isn't my cup of tea.
Is it just me or is baseball the ******* child of cricket?
Well, after doing research I say that both games developed from old folk games played in England centuries ago. Cricket came about as the sport we know earlier than baseball did.
Cricket was popular in the US at one point, especially in the Northeast. The sport was competing with baseball for popularity. There were great cricketers, such as Bart King. Though I suppose when the Phildelphia team fell apart after WWI, cricket was ultimately consigned.
You try working something out when a large dog barges into your room and jumps on your bed XD
Well if I was able to reply saying that I don't understand while being bothered by a large mutt, I should have been able to read well enough to understand what he meant.
Ahh that. Well something came up and it slowed me down from grading everything. But I have graded all the quizzes and have done most the work for the final trophy images. All I have to do is finish off the images and then make the final post.