Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
I was in the middle of the new zombie killing game .... >_> one of them bamf'd across the map w/o me realizing and killed Darrel :'(... he had a wife and kids too. I almost went the entire game w/o one of them even making it to the fence and I had to have a derp moment :'(. Has anyone else played that new game? ...apparently I ranked ~25th on it
really matrix? I thought the campaign was really easy... the mortar things make it to where its not even fair...and the thompson is just the definition of OP
Yeah, accuracy is key. Also I didn't ever use random placement. I used machine guns and infantry. MG on the ends and 2 sets of standard infantry next, then another MG, and so on. I kept either 1-2 spaces between everyone uniformly depending on the size of the bunker. I never had to use mortars except for pure entertainment purposes.
I'm good at aiming, it takes two shots in the head for the higher ranked Zombies though. The default weapon wasn't cutting it, but I couldn't purchase any other.
- Randomly placing your soldiers works well.
I'd just scatter them around, didn't even acknowledge that random placing option.
Standard American infantry suck.
I had about ten of them and that's why I failed miserably.
...something about popping skulls that just makes the day better
the more soldiers you have the better. I had 4 of both types of machine gunners + me thinks 3 of all infantry.... all i did then was put them up in different patterns and they weren't that bad actually.... and I didn't really get the artillery stuff till the very end when I was just looking for ways to burn money. The rifle that comes just b4 the thompson can take out most of the zombies w/ 1 headshot... and your boys will normally get atleast one shot on um to make it a one shot one kill (4 you) regardless if its a headshot
that was part of how I beat the game... didn't lose once
I'm good at aiming, it takes two shots in the head for the higher ranked Zombies though. The default weapon wasn't cutting it, but I couldn't purchase any other
Default weapon is poor. You should try to get the Thompson quickly, without sacrificing your contingent of footmen. It always takes two shots to kill higher zombies; the Tommy Gun just makes it easier.
I had about ten of them and that's why I failed miserably.