Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
Is this some kind of competition? That was very stupid of them. And i'm not saying that because i'm a responsible suck up. Drinking and smoking is bad enough when you're an adult. And for a child the side effects are very bad.
Every kid that I have met that does that is from Europe...I'm not saying that European kids are bad but I've never met a Canadian or American kid that does that.
Every kid that I have met that does that is from Europe...I'm not saying that European kids are bad but I've never met a Canadian or American kid that does that.
Where the hell have you been? Most if not all the people I know have had hangover at least once in the last year. In most cases it's multiple times. Children all over the world engage in this type of activity, doesn't matter what continent you're from. The fact that some Americans have easy access to Moonshine only makes it worse.
Where the hell have you been? Most if not all the people I know have had hangover at least once in the last year.
Well, that's because you're 16, and in high school. I'm not, and I don't know if d_dude is either. I do suspect some people at my school of drinking and smoking occasionally, though.
The last thing I need is alchohol to make me even more ridiculous than usual. Children that regularly consume alcohol will have brain damage. Even if they only get drunk once.
As to the comment about me being older and in high school, I've had friends who do that since I was in the fifth grade, granted the majority of them were in 6th or 7th grade, it wasn't that much different. This kind of thing is related to age, but to opportunity.
Well, yeah. I'm kind of older than most of the people in my grade, seeing as I was born December 1996. Which will mean I'll turn 15 during my freshman year.
since I was in the fifth grade, granted the majority of them were in 6th or 7th grade
O_o That's pretty crazy to me, but probably not to you.
The only experience I've had with a kid being idiotic in school was when in 6th grade teachers found drugs on this one kid. I'm pretty sure he was suspended.