i think that forum posts should be added to the leader boards.
all time current and last months just like regular armorpoints. it would atract more users to the community and that way wed also whos in second place and what not (cause we all know whos in first...)
it might spur on more spam and less intelligent posts
"Me too!"
There are ways to curb spam, like time limits between posts, minimum word count, maximum posts in a period of time, etc., that we could look at. Frankly, we discussed the future of the forums at our meeting on Monday but we're still a little undecided on some of it. In some regard, there will be less need for forums, but I still feel strongly that we need a "community area" like a forum where you folks can chat about things.
Here's a problem putting forum posts leaderboards.
The reason is that since there's a leaderboard for who has the most AP. Yeah, and for most AP a month. Yeah, that's the reason people spam, and if there's a leaderboard for forum posts, people will spam for forum posts.
Forum spam is battled by our awesome team of moderators, and AP are removed if your forum post gets deleted. AG3 will likely have a way for users to flag inappropriate content for mods to review and remove at their discretion, but that stuff's still up in the air a bit because we need to make sure people aren't just flagging stuff to bully someone.
he reason is that since there's a leaderboard for who has the most AP. Yeah, and for most AP a month. Yeah, that's the reason people spam, and if there's a leaderboard for forum posts, people will spam for forum posts.
i dont think there should be a monthly forum post leader board. jsut an all time
I recently checked out and followed the two 'smaller' leaderboards, the ones called 'Current Leaders' and 'Last Month's Leaders'... the one of last month has stayed the same for almost 3 (!) months, so I guess that's not even working right now... and the one for this month has already been running for more than a month, so they're both not accurate!
One leader board is more than enough and maybe it could be expanded from a 100 places (now) to maybe 250 to have more people show up and check it out? *chinrubs* Could very well work if you ask me...