ForumsWEPRAliens: A half-arsed idea by Thoadthetoad

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5,642 posts

Say, I was watching this nifty Documentary of the Crystal Skulls. I heard about the movie of Indie, but it wasn't until recently that I found out that these "Crystal Skulls" where actually existent.

Now this just made me realize something. It's actually incredibly likely that aliens do exist and have been on earth. May be just 1 race, or 1 species, but I'm fairly certain that there actually is some form of alien that has interacted with the human race.

Now most pose the question "Well even if they had the means to do so, why haven't they just killed us or befriended us?"
I have a very, very simple answer. And I'm sure that any standard human being would agree with me. Unless you are totally leftist and pure of heart, you will agree with the next statement.

An alien would obviously be sentient, yes? And what about sentient, intelligent, able-to-think-'bout-sh*t beings do we know about? We know that we like to f*ck with other sentient or lesser beings. So in short, I think that aliens are just f*cking with us.

Crop circles, most are hoaxes, some are phenomena. The ones are phenomena could be something and it could be them f*cking with us.
Seriously man! I honestly beleive that aliens are just a-holes, much like humans, and are just messing with a lower life form. For the fun of it. Hell, whatever government they have, the ones that are screwing with us probably didn't contact them and tell them.

This is what I honestly beleive, but I'm happy to ask you to prove me wrong.

  • 21 Replies
3,817 posts

.........You actually believe that?

I agree that there is probably intelligent life, but the point we stop agreeing is when you say they have had contact with humans. First, we have extensive watches over the sky by air forces and other defense things. They would notice at one point, no? Second traveling threw space would need some heavy-duty engines, especially if they come from some planet we haven't been able to investigate yet. That engine would give off A TON of heat, witch would be easily detectable, unless of course they have it extensively cloaked witch should a little extrema just to mess with us. Third, if they really wanted to mess with us why would they use crop circles? If they were imaginative they would, lets say.... Put a Satan statue in every church. Now THAT would be funny.

5,642 posts

would need some heavy-duty engines

Or just a ship that can sustain a crew.

First, we have extensive watches over the sky by air forces and other defense things.

They have made stealth bombers that are undectable from virtually anything, yes?

They're also making a material that basically makes you invisible, by projecting the back to the front. Essentially making you invisible.

That engine would give off A TON of heat,

If you can have a slow moving ship that only needs a large explosion every year or so in order to get to it's destination, this is nullified.
Third, if they really wanted to mess with us why would they use crop circles?

IT worked for a while, didn't it? Besides, I never said JUST crop circles.
Now THAT would be funny.

I can agree.

But here's the thing: I basically see them belittling our intelligence. Doin' all this stuff is like an adult giving a metaphysics book and the bible to a 5 year old child who is interested in these things, but doesn't have the mental capacity to understand it.
Essentially, they're belittling our intelligence.
3,817 posts

Or just a ship that can sustain a crew.

For nigh less than fifty years with decent engines, a little extreme just to mess with someone, and it would still need a large tank.

They have made stealth bombers that are undectable from virtually anything, yes?

Virtually, though they do not have an engine capable of deep space flight. While we are on it, stealth crafts have been the cause of many "UFO" sightings that people are lead to believe as aliens...

If you can have a slow moving ship that only needs a large explosion every year or so in order to get to it's destination, this is nullified.

You would need a separate explosion leaving the planet, to change direction, that would be easily noticeable if it was that size. Not to mention that that would be an ineffective way to move, or the problems with the artificial gravity. And once again we are talking fifty years up, extremely far to go to mess with someone.

IT worked for a while, didn't it? Besides, I never said JUST crop circles.

Than what else are you speaking off?

But here's the thing: I basically see them belittling our intelligence. Doin' all this stuff is like an adult giving a metaphysics book and the bible to a 5 year old child who is interested in these things, but doesn't have the mental capacity to understand it.
Essentially, they're belittling our intelligence.

So your saying they spend probably half there lives coming over here to say "Haha, we are smarter than you looser!" then go back to there home planet, witch will probably take the rest of there lives?
5,642 posts

Than what else are you speaking off?

You have obviously never seen the dozens of different legends co-responding to aliens, flying saucers, and sh*t like that.

"Haha, we are smarter than you looser!" then go back to there home planet, witch will probably take the rest of there lives?

Rest of their lives? Probably a few generations, bud.
And yes I beleive they are basically saying: "Lolol I'm smarter than joo."
You would need a separate explosion leaving the planet, to change direction, that would be easily noticeable if it was that size

Not necesarrily. Do they have telescopes pionting at the vacuum of space? In just every direction 24/7? I doubt it. It doesn't seem cost efficient to not be documenting a planet, and instead just have something sitting there watching a big black abyss.

It's like if I made a camera built to float halfway down into the ocean but no deeper. Why would I do that? It's unlikely that I'm going to see anything. Or even anything+1.

Virtually, though they do not have an engine capable of deep space flight.

Then I will think their ship is a collosal ship that only needs controlled blasts every so often in order to get to it's destination, taking generations to get there, and also has decent stealth capabilities.

And once again we are talking fifty years up, extremely far to go to mess with someone.

I'm talking Century up. LIkely it would be a hobby while they wait for contact from a home planet or nearby outposts. Though I'm not necessarily saying there's outposts.
"Yo Blorpittyblop, wanna go mess with some humans and f*ck with a yokel on earth?"
"I dunno blurgindoop, I've been waiting for word from the leaders as to what we should do about this... obviously inferior race."
"C'mooon, it'll be fun! Blizzidee is going to be there. I'm sure you wanna get in her pants, ehhhh?" *nudge nudge*
"Okay fine, so should we throw one of those lame saucers at them with the mannequins or take some cows to eat?"
"I feel like steak, let's take some cows."
3,817 posts

You have obviously never seen the dozens of different legends co-responding to aliens, flying saucers, and sh*t like that.

Many governments have sent messages into space, I have not heard of any answer yet, and I thought we went over the UFOs usually being something like stealth crafts.

Rest of their lives? Probably a few generations, bud.
And yes I beleive they are basically saying: "Lolol I'm smarter than joo."

Here I am assuming they have decent life spans. So you are saying they waste GENERATIONS to make fun of you? Next time one comes be sure to yell out "HEY, I AM NOT THE ONE WHO WASTES THERE LIVES MESSING WITH PEOPLE!"

Not necesarrily. Do they have telescopes pionting at the vacuum of space? In just every direction 24/7? I doubt it. It doesn't seem cost efficient to not be documenting a planet, and instead just have something sitting there watching a big black abyss.

It's like if I made a camera built to float halfway down into the ocean but no deeper. Why would I do that? It's unlikely that I'm going to see anything. Or even anything+1.

True, but random explosions in the sky tend to be noticed.

Then I will think their ship is a collosal ship that only needs controlled blasts every so often in order to get to it's destination, taking generations to get there, and also has decent stealth capabilities.

It seems like a huge waste to me... They would have to be EXTREMELY BOARD to do that...

I'm talking Century up. LIkely it would be a hobby while they wait for contact from a home planet or nearby outposts. Though I'm not necessarily saying there's outposts.
"Yo Blorpittyblop, wanna go mess with some humans and f*ck with a yokel on earth?"
"I dunno blurgindoop, I've been waiting for word from the leaders as to what we should do about this... obviously inferior race."
"C'mooon, it'll be fun! Blizzidee is going to be there. I'm sure you wanna get in her pants, ehhhh?" *nudge nudge*
"Okay fine, so should we throw one of those lame saucers at them with the mannequins or take some cows to eat?"
"I feel like steak, let's take some cows."

If they would wait that long suspended in space, in a ship you yourself stated was huge, they would be easily detectable. And they would have to land on a planet, not only would that be difficult with the engine you designed but we DO have eyes on the nearby planets.
3,562 posts

econd traveling threw space would need some heavy-duty engines, especially if they come from some planet we haven't been able to investigate yet. That engine would give off A TON of heat, witch would be easily detectable, unless of course they have it extensively cloaked

and to cloak that you would most definitely have to hide the heat sig in another dimension and that is just NOT possible.
844 posts

yEA I always sorta thought like that too,for example I like F**king with my little brother and he is like a lower life form to me.You know what im saying?

3,437 posts

You're insane. I suggest you stop being so gulible.

598 posts

aliens live under the ocean in Atlantis. Thats how they get here because they live here. Patrols spot aliens all the time but they are top secret not made public

22,207 posts

That engine would give off A TON of heat,

i assume this heat is from fire?wouldnt fire/ an engine need air to function when space has none? plus i think a sentient species would probably have found a different form of travelling that is perhaps too advanced or unknown for humans to comprehend or understand.
They would notice at one point, no

if humans have trouble detecting unknown comets and asteroids, a controlled craft would be much harder to find/track as it doesnt have a set trajectory and perhaps isnt as bright/big.
3,817 posts

i assume this heat is from fire?wouldnt fire/ an engine need air to function when space has none? plus i think a sentient species would probably have found a different form of travelling that is perhaps too advanced or unknown for humans to comprehend or understand.

Space ships use fire quite nicely, self oxidizing. And using something like nuclear power or anti matter would give off even more heat, even engines in a car moving would cause friction. I can not think of any feasible way to move a large ship extreme distances without having a heat signature.

if humans have trouble detecting unknown comets and asteroids, a controlled craft would be much harder to find/track as it doesnt have a set trajectory and perhaps isnt as bright/big.

He suggested they were rather large, and he also suggested they use a form of explosion propellant. First I would like to say that would be very ineffective, especially for ships that need agility, but he suggested it would go for a year on one explosion. It would show the light of a star, and they would need to use it exiting the earth's atmosphere.
938 posts

Maybe you guys should try and let your imagination flow a little more.

Maybe the Aliens have technology ten times as advanced as us. Maybe they can travel millions of light years in moments. Maybe they have ships without engines that produce heat. You have to take into consideration that they might have evolved differently/faster, or they had help from something even greater.

As for the idea that they're just screwing with us, I think it is definitely an option. It would probably be like thoad said, that it's just a couple of punks that are non-affiliated with any government or official Alien organizations that are doing it. Or maybe they're at war near our planet and they just keep falling down, and they might need to make a repair in a corn field or two, or their cloakers are turned off for a little while in New Mexico. We can never REALLY argue about what is true and untrue, because we have no idea. We can only speculate.

So if you tell someone who is ranting about Aliens that they are stupid and have no idea what they're talking about, then try and give them proof that there ARE no Aliens out there.

1,573 posts

I can not think of any feasible way to move a large ship extreme distances without having a heat signature.

Not to put you down, as neither can the best minds on our planet, but your snot creating a very good argument by just naysaying against what you feel is a ridiculous idea.

So if you tell someone who is ranting about Aliens that they are stupid and have no idea what they're talking about, then try and give them proof that there ARE no Aliens out there.

We may as well be talking about god until we have some real public proof of aliens. And how much dyou wanna bet that if aliens ever become known, the religious nuts will kick up a storm saying they are satan worshipers etc... I seriously doubt that if they are up there watching us, that they would wanna come down and say "Hi, how you doing"
3,817 posts

Not to put you down, as neither can the best minds on our planet, but your snot creating a very good argument by just naysaying against what you feel is a ridiculous idea.

I am stating that it is scientifically improbable. We haven't even imagined it yet, and we are pretty far along scientifically.
4,871 posts

Honestly I would say it's more likely that their studying us than it is that their just screwing with us. If their smart enough to get here I'm sure that their curious enough to want to study how we react to certain stimuli such as crop circles.

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