Hello!I want you to find a slogan for armor games.(Maybe they would accept it)
"Armorgames: Because you have nothing better to do.""Armorgames: Because you know you love it.""Armorgames: This is your new life.""Armorgames: Because addiction isn't always a bad thing.""Armorgames: Because you don't have a good enough excuse not to be here."One of those might be fitting.
I'll give it a shot.ArmorGames.com"The Internets Best Collection of Games"Generic and simple.
Armorgames, because I'm worth it. Or the Chandler way: Armorgames, because you love games.... in Armor!
ArmorGames - because yes we do have an Armor fetish.
ArmorGames- just 1 more minute
I guess I'll give it a try Armor Games: Always battling boredom.
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