Can't wait. It just seems so awesome! Probably going to see it the day it comes out... That guy in the commercial who has all the targeting marks on him is so screwed...
Wasebt there already a predators movie years ago,or is this one actually new....
No, it's new. It take place on the Predators' planet. The Predators took some of the world's best killers, and brought them to a planet. (Poibly theirs) Basically they see if they're good or not, blah blah blah, they all get killed by predators or animals.
I really love Predator and I'm going to see this movie. I have a terrible fear that even with a great cast (Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Danny Trejo) it's still going to fail miserably... :\\
The original movies were very good. I do think 'Predators' looks decent, though I don't know about going to the theatre to see it. As groovy as the graphics may be, I'm picky and choosy about spending money. But, I dunno, as a big fan of the original 'Predator', I may decide it's worth it.
I saw it the day after it came out and I thought it was good, but kinda weird, and it was kinda unpredictable near the end where the doctor guy, forgot his name, showed who he really was.
They made two awful movies (AvP I & II). So this one I think it would be the same crap.
AVP is teh best movie of all time,I saw the second one too I like teh part when the little girl looks out the window at night and says "daddy theres a monster" then the dad replies "theres no monste-"then the alien crashes throught the window and kills him.
I'm gonna wait until it's available for rent. As usual. The only Predator/Alien movie I liked was the original Predator, with Ahnold (the h is on purpose).
The new movie by the creators of AvP. Discuss about it here..
The guys who did this had nothing to with AvP as far as I know. I saw Predators opening nigh and I thought it was pretty good, what I expected, a B movie given the A treatment. Probably the best one besides the original, imo.