I was probably exaggerating. Let me go count the files.
About 60,000 songs.
Not quite 100,000, but none of you will be able to to beat it.
Riight . . . so you've either illegally downloaded 60,000 songs or spent $60,000 buying songs, or spent days ripping CDs. Pics or it didn't happen, just take a screenshot plox.
I don't have enough money/will to break the law to get 60,000 songs . . . right now, I only have about 500. Planning on getting a bigass external hard drive and ripping all of the CDs and vinyl, if possible, around the house. Easily 15,000 songs off all the CDs and vinyl combined. My dad has tons of old records.
Riight . . . so you've either illegally downloaded 60,000 songs or spent $60,000 buying songs, or spent days ripping CDs. Pics or it didn't happen, just take a screenshot plox.
I can't tell you where it came from (got it from a friend), but here's a few pics.
Proof enough? Cause I can give you pics of the drive itself.