ForumsGame WalkthroughsCoD WAW zombie tips + strats

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I would just like to give people advice on nazi zombies please feel free to post your strats and tips to help people get to high rounds successfully

The first one just buy kar and knife zombies till round 3 then use pistol + kar then open room and get randoms ( i like to have everyone in back room and one at door then when it gets too hard retreat to the nade bit upstairs and hold out.

Second one
Knife first round then pistol second and but gewher or garand then either save up till you can open all doors or open one by one and then get randoms and hold off on the balcony the gewher side.

Third one
You can use pistol or buy ariska until open up and open up the door first not the stairs because the room the stairs lead to is good to hold off in and after that its pretty much every man for themselves

Der riese
Knife first 2 rounds then get kar and slowly open up either side ( it really doesnt matter that much then when at box get randoms get juggernaut until happy with what guns you have then get a crawler and link teles to mainframe and upgrade or if you don't have enough money hold off on catwalk then get crawler and upgrade (after your first upgrade i recommend speed cola) then hold off in cat walk ( where the bowie knife is the metal ledge / path above and hold off there.


Double tap wastes ammo i dont recommend
Juggernaut is very helpful
Bettys if brought in early rounds can really help later on
My fav guns are Wunderwaffle ray gun ppsh mg browning
PTRS is good in early rounds
Monkey bombs in der riese can really help to get to 20+ rounds
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