What do you think about this? I feel that it should not be built at ground zero because I find that extremely disrespectful to the families and victims of that infamous day.
As wolf said where's your source? Perhaps its being built as a way for normal Muslims to apologize for the acts of radical terrorists but I'm not sure about it.
Either way your response should be better than "good idea" or "bad idea".
@Holden you can Google it for a bunch of news results I'm currently on my phone and I don't feel like posting a link. It is real though, at least they're building a mosque within a mile radius.
Seriously, Grond Zero is a zoned constrction site for the Liberty Tower now. The mosque is far away, and not allowing it would be a huge blow to the relgiious freedom of the USA.
I don't see a freaking problem, honestly. I get that most Americans can only conjure up visions of crazy guys with automatic weapons wearing turbans as what Muslims are like. That's all the media has portrayed them as. But really, I don't think that would happen. I think most muslims are trying to clean up the stereotypes about them. At least the ones I know.
it is true... http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-july-7-2010/wish-you-weren-t-here
I would like to point out: Muslims are not terrorists.
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella drove the muslims out of spain and forced everybody to embrace Catholic Christianity (or be killed), and promoted the exquisite Christian tortures of the Inquisition. Under muslim rule, Jews and Christians are welcomed to practice their religion and they generally flourished from spain to iraq. On the other hand, untill recent times, Christian intolerance prevailed throughout Europe.
Islam comes from the arabic root word 'salama' meaning 'eace'. Muslims do not approve violence.
Please watch this video: http://english.islamway.com/flashpage.php?id=10&cat=2&file_name=ever_wonder&width=550&hight=400
DarkestNite I know exactly what you mean. I am a Turk and I am (supposed to be) Muslim. Even though I don't believe in Allah it is disturbing that people stereotype Muslims to be Terrorists, very sad.