Cartoon Network, in its prime, had gut-bustingly hilarious shows like Ed, Edd n Eddy and Billy & Mandy. I look them up on YouTube from time to time and I still get a great laugh out of them! =)
I'm 25 and I don't like watching sports on TV! The same basic things happen every time, and if something out of the ordinary happens, I'll probably see it online eventually! xD
I love playing them, but watching them on TV is not something I could ever get into!
1. i c this topic has been quite the topic considering it was made 2 years ago 2. i have to say cartoon network even if u dont like the kid shows when its after 9 u can c family guy and all that stuff so id have to go with CN on this one
Well for me between Nick and CN. I do like some of their shows like Total Drama, Adventure Time ,Regulr Show, and now Annoying Orange! Plus on firdays they have a new show called "Cartoon Planet" were they show all the classic, older cartoons that everyone loves such as Jhonny Bravo, Dexter, etc. But my favorites on Nick are iCarly, GIBBBBYYY, Victorious, and Spongebob. I go with both Nick and CN