This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
I use magnetos helmet and an über-mega-awesomesheild to get to the top of the hill and use my outward explosion attack to kill everything.(btw, magnetos helmet stops telepathy)
All of my soldiers are after you all. You all get chained up in my barf-turning dungeon of doom!!!!! Still my, Razer's and took's Darkonia!!! Die unpure rebels!!! Die and turn into barf!!!! I curse you all!!! all this while still on my long, plan-forging walk through the north-Siberian forest filled with shadows...
Im back.I train super mega uber chuck norrises just like the real chuck norris.Then i send them to kill anybody who is not friendly. I also make super mega uber epic huge boss like turrets that you can not destroy.I also make it like chuck norris.
I set up a shield around the hill. It has 100000000000000000 layers, each of which can not be destroyed and kills anybody foolish enough to touch it! I make all the ArmorGames characters attack anybody who is against us! Beat that! Oh... and I'm back from my "walk"... lol... world, prepare for the evillest plan the universe has ever seen...
forro34 finds out the hill isn't big enough for 100000000000000000 layers so it all falls apart, then I launched a neuclear bomb at him, which the chemicals altar his DNA and mutates him (mutation from chemicals are true)