ForumsWEPRWhy do people do this?

32 4885
846 posts

I remember watching the news about the BP oil spill and everyone talking and debating about what there going to do BUT NOT DOING IT. Then I hear about people trying to figure out who's fault it is and who to blame and who to sue for it etc.
That's the problem with society these days when something happens we try to find someone to blame instead of worrying about it later and doing something about the problem. I am pretty sure that thats why a group of politicians couldn't defuse a bomb if it was right in front of them. Actions speak louder than words do they not?
When there's a problem if everyone just argues about who to blame and who needs to be sued about it then it doesn't really fix anything.

Seriously what the heck is wrong with people?
(I just felt like saying all that because it annoys me)

  • 32 Replies
194 posts

In all fairness though, BP really screwed the pooch on that one.

676 posts

Amen! I'm sick of Obama and his stern words toward everyone. Everyone calls it Obamas Katrina, and he hasn't done shit! Go do something. Btw, I care, but I'm not willingly or able to go and so something. Now did anyone see that like 8 year old kids idea on how to fix it video? Hopefully I can find a link

846 posts

True but what I find stupid is that people worrying about sueing them and getting money from them or whatever before they worry about fixing the problem which in my opinion is stupid.
And I was using that strictly as an example

1,714 posts

What I noticed was that, outside of the government and a few radicals, normal people didn't start complaining about money till their income was threatened by BPs lack of action.

676 posts

Everyone is so suehappy anymore, it's annoying. Alot of them are basically scams, though alot are also real, and have a point. Also there's the sueing for emotional damages, that's the hot one. Everyone uses it.

5,061 posts

n all fairness though, BP really screwed the pooch on that one

The oil rig doesn't even belong to BP, they're just the company getting the oil. However the problem is the EPA is blocking some powerful solvents because they'll have an effect on the marine enviorment. At the same time they sit there and complain about nothing being done. Hypocrite anybody?
1,416 posts

Amen! I'm sick of Obama and his stern words toward everyone. Everyone calls it Obamas Katrina, and he hasn't done ****! Go do something.

So should he swim down there and plug the oil leak by himself? What do you want him to do? He has no technical knowledge of capping oil spills. People look at the US President as a man who can do everything, knows everything, and should be able to solve any crisis by simply snapping his fingers. While the US President has power, he isn't a super hero.

846 posts

So should he swim down there and plug the oil leak by himself? What do you want him to do? He has no technical knowledge of capping oil spills. People look at the US President as a man who can do everything, knows everything, and should be able to solve any crisis by simply snapping his fingers. While the US President has power, he isn't a super hero.

Thats my point there
This person blames Obama but Obama and the government are blaming BP and figuring out how to punish them or whatever instead of helping them fix the problem.
People also look at the president like he has full control over the government when he doesn't. The president does not have nearly as much power as people think.
Also you have all these people complaining about how the spill is making them lose money and how the want money from BP now. These people should be trying to help fix the problem not demanding money and threatening to sue people. Its just stupid
3,817 posts

I would just like to point out you are complaining and not doing anything about people who are complaining and not doing anything...

846 posts

There is a difference between complaining and stating my opinion.
How do you know I am doing nothing anyway.
I am merely pointing out that people always seem to just argue and find someone to blame instead of working together to solve the real problem. If there is a bomb about to explode do you try and figure out who put it there or defuse it first?
The logically choice would be to worry about disarming said bomb first.
But you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine

4,005 posts

There is a very simple explanation as to why people behave like this. It is simpler to point out where the blame should lie, thus absolving yourself of responsibility, than to stand up and actually put forth the effort to accomplish something.

This is even more commonplace because our society has placed such harsh consequences on the responsible party, that the initial desire is to avoid these at all cost. The simplest way to avoid a consequence is to show that you are not at fault.

908 posts

That's the problem with society these days when something happens we try to find someone to blame instead of worrying about it later and doing something about the problem.

Well, although it might shock you, this is really a problem that's been inherent to society throughout the ages. Nothing new on the horizon.. People always need a scapegoat to blame as soon as something bad happens. It helps channel the negative feelings of the people affected...

I am pretty sure that thats why a group of politicians couldn't defuse a bomb if it was right in front of them.

Oh so you expect politicians to be able to defuse bombs? Seriously, that's ridiculous. How many people out there know how to defuse bombs, I wonder? (And don't tell me you simply have to cut the red wire as they show in the movies)

I know this was just an example, but it was a bad one (No harm meant )
4,220 posts

Everyone is to blame, not just BP. We should sue the government for letting it happen, as well. It was their job to make 100% sure this didn't happen. Did they do it? No.

Their job was to make sure companies like BP didn't take shortcuts. They failed. Quite obviously.

Oh yes, and as of now, it's capped. Who did this? Not the US government. BP. They fixed their own mistake. That was their problem anyways, not accepting help and instead doing it themselves.

So please, lay off the blame a bit. They didn't blow up their own rig, don't accuse them of purposely destroying the gulf. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be blamed, but come on. Oil spills don't happen on purpose, don't treat them as such. Treat it as an accident, which it was.

Oh so you expect politicians to be able to defuse bombs? Seriously, that's ridiculous. How many people out there know how to defuse bombs, I wonder?

Bad with analogies? lol
4,005 posts

How many people out there know how to defuse bombs, I wonder? (And don't tell me you simply have to cut the red wire as they show in the movies)

A little off topic, but I can. At least many of them. Obviously there are some that I've never encountered or would be able to, especially given limited time constraints. I would suspect most people with a background in electronics or engineering would be able to figure most out fairly simply as well.

Everyone is to blame, not just BP. We should sue the government for letting it happen, as well. It was their job to make 100% sure this didn't happen. Did they do it? No.

Actually I disagree. First off, no one is to blame. That's why it's called an accident. Secondly, there is no way to guarantee that situations like this won't occur. All we can do is take as many precautions as possible.

Their job was to make sure companies like BP didn't take shortcuts. They failed. Quite obviously.

You can't eliminate all shortcuts, and often the short cuts that are taken are not believed to be harmful or caustic of such events. On top of that what people are forgetting is that the rig isn't even BP's property.

The only reprehensible thing I've found about the entire situation is the obvious lies and misleading statements that BP issued after the accident occurred. Now I can see wanting to downplay the situation to avoid a public overreaction, but this is the information age. People are going to find out if you are BSing them. Simple as that. Why not just come out and tell everyone the truth and do your best to fix the issue.
4,220 posts

On top of that what people are forgetting is that the rig isn't even BP's property.

I was going to mention that, but I don't have some of my vital points 100% accurate, so I'd rather avoid looking stupid.

Secondly, there is no way to guarantee that situations like this won't occur. All we can do is take as many precautions as possible.

I can't disagree. However, they have had a massive history of being lax. They being the Interior Department. The problems were easily fixed, if a thorough inspection had been carried out. Sure, some things can't be avoided, this could have been. It had a fault in the construction, and boom. A ruptured pipe would have been one thing, but a full blow structural failure is somewhat suspicious.
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