Today, we celebrate the taking of the royal prison of the Bastille by the people of Paris, the first blow to absolute monarchy in France. In this prison were imprisooned all those who had the mischance to irritate the king. It has since become the French national holiday.
Sadly, I live in England and will have to work today. Such an irony!!!
Anyways I just wanted to say on this memorable day:
And you're welcome. Because if it weren't for American, Canadian, and British intervention(twice) you'd all be speaking German and wouldn't have a chance to to celebrate Bastille Day.
Anyway, just poking fun. Happy Bastille Day to the French. Congratulations on a successful revolution.
The reason people don't mention Canada is because we were under British Dominion so saying British I assume they imply all the British dominions like the Aussies and Canadians ect...
Well I think it's important to note that there were only 6 or 7 prisoners in the Bastille the day it was stormed France was in the process of closing the prison quite a while before the revolt began.
Well, Marie Antoinette and some other people were sent straight to the guillotine on that day! (That's what my dad told me)
You're father is very mistaken. The only deaths that day were roughly 100 members of the attacking mob and I think only 2 or 3 of the soldiers garrisoned at the prison.
The reason people don't mention Canada is because we were under British Dominion so saying British I assume they imply all the British dominions like the Aussies and Canadians ect...
Er...kinda but we have been recognized as our own country since 1876.
Well, I guess that Marie Antoinette wasn't chopped, but I sort of proved that this day was a day full of blood.
I can think of worse days. Like ooooooooooh anytime during the French Revolution period known as the Reign of Terror which is when Marie and Louis said farewell to their heads.