I was just curious, i'm not making a montage or anything, but as i listen to the radio i think, hmm that song would be a great song for a montage or an end of the year song...plus if anyone is trying to put something together then looking here might help! (or googling them -.- w/e lol)
Here's some songs I think are good:
Nothin' But A Good Time - Poison
Time of Your Life - Green Day
Iris - GooGoo Dolls (probably best for like wedding picture slideshow thing maybe? idk...)
That's all i can think of at this moment, but i know there are better ones than the ones i just listen >_<
Number One by Hazel Fernandez Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday Enter Sandman
Anyway, it depends on the type of montage. If it's a training montage you want something with loud, strong beats and if it's a walking one you should go with something quite fast and fluttery.
Time of your life is perfect for end of the year or photo montages. For example you make a FPS montage, you want a cool fast paced song if its a photo montage, you want a fitting, slower song