ForumsWEPRWhite Supremacy vs the New Black Panthers?

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909 posts

While I was researching information for the other thread, "New Black Panthers", I thought I would provide the following information in hopes that all AG forum rules will be followed and that a clean and friendly debate can serve to educate and enlighten us all.

This information will continue to be updated as I have only started researching the white supremacy groups such as Neo Nazi, KKK, and Skinhead. The following are all Nat Geo,(National Geographic) youtube videos, they are brief but adequate for discussion.

New Black Panthers

American Nazi

Skinheads Recruiting Your Children?

Camp Skinhead

KKK, Then & Now

After watching these videos and adding the research I did this afternoon on the NBPP I am really concerned for the next national election.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but a realist who calls the shots as I see them and I'm not seeing the artistic value in these groups demonstrations.

ps, for the sake of fairness and simplicity all of the updated NBPP information will be directed to the New Black Panthers thread, thanks.

  • 10 Replies
4,005 posts

I am not quite seeing what it is we are intended to discuss or debate here. I don't see any opposing viewpoints from the thread that warrant discussion. As your post stands now it seems to be solely informative, which is great, but I would like to know what it is that you wish to point out or discuss.

909 posts

I'm concerned about the recruitment tactics that these groups are using to entice youth into their organizations. One tactic is Metal bands with harsh language that one of the videos mentions.
* Do you think this works?
* Has anyone been approached by one or more of these groups and would like to talk about?
* Is anyone else concerned with the next national election of 2012?

After watching these videos and adding the research I did this afternoon on the NBPP I am really concerned for the next national election.

Thanks Mr.Walker, for pointing this out to me.
4,005 posts

Do you think this works?

Some of it. The thing with groups like this is that they typically target the undereducated, the poor, and the oppressed. They approach people who are unable to effect positive social change in their environment and offer them a 'solution'. Typically they prey on preexisting prejudices and/or attempt to present seemingly credible evidence that places the blame for their current conditions on the group which they are targeting.

While this works to some degree, at least as it applies to the typical target demographics, I think that the vast majority can see through such propaganda and most will reject such nonsense offhand.

Has anyone been approached by one or more of these groups and would like to talk about?

Actually I spent quite a few of my teen years living with family in Idaho. Many of these cousins were followers David Lane and The Order. This is a white nationalist group which many of the modern neo-nazi type groups attempt to model themselves after.

While I am not and have never been anti-semitic nor do I believe that overt racism is in any way socially or morally acceptable I did read much of David Lane's writings and some of what he put forth did make some sense to me then. After growing older and wiser I realized just how much of it was total bullsh*t, but for a young teen it definitely started my gears turning, so to speak, about what was going on in our society and how race, religion, and social status affected our rights and privileges.

On another note, nearly all of these racial promotion groups thrive on fear and misdirection. They stir their followers into a near frenzy of heterophobia regarding other cultures, races, and religions. They use this fear to control their followers and convince them to act to meet the aims of their organization. I believe that if we can institute wide spread education and social interaction that we can eliminate many of the situations which allow these hate groups to thrive.

Is anyone else concerned with the next national election of 2012?

To a degree, however I think our political and legal system has enough checks and balances to ensure that even should a few radicals be placed in office that there is little that they can do to enforce their ideals on mainstream society. There are always going to be members of some political or social extreme that manage to worm their way into public office, but the political system takes so much time and cooperation for anything serious to be accomplished that we rarely, if ever, see these people capable of propagating their ideals.

Also we have seen lately that a very large population of our society have been turning from traditional bipartisan incumbents in favor of libertarian, independent, and even tea and green party members. This makes it seem to me that the tides are shifting slightly and that the people are educating themselves more and turning away from the traditional extremes. Due to this I have some doubt that these extremist hate groups are capable of creating enough of a following to place followers if their ideals in any position in which they may actually spread their ignorance and bigotry.
909 posts

There are always going to be members of some political or social extreme that manage to worm their way into public office, but the political system takes so much time and cooperation for anything serious to be accomplished that we rarely, if ever, see these people capable of propagating their ideals.

I agree, with our system we do have enough checks and balances so that radicals have to compromise in order to maintain equity with voters rights and congress.

What I was really fishing for with my question was the security of the voters. Since the government blinked long enough for the men in Philadelphia, in 2008 to walk away free without having to appear in court for brandishing a night stick and verbally harrassing voters while claiming to be security.
Do you think we'll be seeing more of the same in 2012?
With larger groups, from both sides of the racially extreme fence leaving us voters to fend for ourselves?
4,005 posts

Do you think we'll be seeing more of the same in 2012?
With larger groups, from both sides of the racially extreme fence leaving us voters to fend for ourselves?

I doubt it. Incidents like this are notoriously rare and in almost all cases are halted very quickly by authorities. The incident in 2008 surprised me, but I don't think we can expect more of the same. Even here in Arizona, despite all of the debate over our new immigration law, there has been little public aggression, and what there has been has been halted quite rapidly.
1,707 posts

Do you know what I hate about alot of skinheads? It's not the fact that they hate black people, jews, homosexuals ect... It's the fact that there all crazy blood thirsty nutjobs who have tatoos all over their bodies, that don't have a good arguement for why they hate who they hate. I can respect a man who has a good reason to hate and kill for a good reason and if they represent a good arguement. I man not like them, but I can respect them.

909 posts

I can respect a man who has a good reason to hate and kill for a good reason and if they represent a good arguement.

Other than soldiers fighting in wars to keep their families safe and free I honestly can't respect someone who kills because of hatred. Self-defense is also excluded because the person defending themselves are not the aggressors.

With your comment on "blood thirsty nutjobs", were you speaking in general or have you known/met a skinhead?

I'll answer later today, it's been great but I'm starting to slow down. Nite all!
4,005 posts

It's the fact that there all crazy blood thirsty nutjobs who have tatoos all over their bodies, that don't have a good arguement for why they hate who they hate.

Hmm.. not necessarily true. I happen to know many 'skinheads' who have no tattoos, many who are nonviolent, and many who are not actually even racist. The original white power movement was designed to separate the aryan race from the US government and teach whites to only procreate with other whites. Many 'skinhead' groups actually teach that hate and racism are detrimental to the overall goals of the movement. However just like anything you will get some nutjobs that are off on some extreme end or another and by that association the entire group gets a bad reputation.

This is why I no longer associate with the members of my family who follow many of David Lane's teaching even though they are not racist and do not promote violence. Simply because of the stigma around their political beliefs they are judged very harshly and I don't wish to associate myself or my family with anything that could even be remotely construed as bigotry.
1,707 posts

With your comment on "blood thirsty nutjobs", were you speaking in general or have you known/met a skinhead?

I've met one who is a blood thirsty nutjob, but I was speaking in general from all the videos I've seen, and of what people say.
1,707 posts

@MRWalker82 I actually just meant the rascist ones who promote violence to blacks, jews ect... and are rascist, for no good reason.

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