ForumsWEPRYour Thoughts; The World Uniting As One?

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This is a Conspiracy topic, thus making all comments in this topic is based on pure Opinion & outlook on the subject at hand.

Denver Airport Conspiracy

Before posting, watch a two part video series:

Part One

Part Two

Comment on the video itself & all the points it makes, through doing so, please try to answer the main question at hand;

Do You Believe The World Will Be United And/Or Have The Worlds Population 'Killed Off' So World Leaders Can Rule Over The 'Perfect' Population Of The World?

Enjoy & Keep It Clean.
  • 34 Replies
4,005 posts
323 posts

im not a huge believer of conspiracy but i don't like to instantly shoot them down. for instance the Conspiracy that the CIA created 9/11... unlikely but not impossible. a common one is that the moon landing is fake. but this one really freaks me out. i have always thought why am i here. am i here to do something important or am i just another normal person living their life. and i have always created a story that something will happen during my teen years then this conspiracy comes along that a possible genocide during that time. i don't quite believe it but i don't quite disbelieve it either. only time will tell... similar to Madmen the movie

88 posts

this conspiracy comes along that a possible genocide during that time

I haven't seen the vids yet I will later I don't have enough time, but to reply to this quote you do know there been a ton of genocides since the ending of WW2.
5,061 posts

Yes, but they have targeted specific people, the goal of this 'New World Order' would be simply to cut down 4.5 billion people. The videos are amazingly well made, and it's nice to see that atleast one conspiracy theorist did some research before they started talking about something they know nothing about. The facts were presented very well, and I've seen/heard mentions of the NWO. In all honesty the thought seems plausible, but the action itself seems difficult and unlikely.

Now on to the question:

I've always entertained the thought, and it seems like it would work. But you have to look at what other ancient 'world over' empires have shown us. This can never happen unless every single person in the empire is for it. And with the ambition that human kind has, there would always be rebellions in this kind of world. Why? Because people with ambition and goals would rise, gather support, build an army and when the time was right simply secede. What about the leader? This man/woman would be the most powerful person in the world, I have no doubt that the saying "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" could be applied here.

323 posts

to be honest... at the centre of every many there is evil and good in them... influences on the person create that person into either but they will always have that little evil or good in them. so even if the world united it would crumble.. i think that the world should be one country and each current country is a state and current states would be territories. so the system would be like this. National, State, Territorial, Regional. but it will always have its flaws... some day we will start to explore space and if we do encounter intelligent life then we should be united not as nations but as a planet.

4,005 posts

There are many issues brought up by these videos and many of them are quite easily explained. I will attempt to address as many as possible here.

1. Layout of the new Denver Airport: The layout has been set up to allow the maximum amount of traffic to be entering and exiting the runways at any given time. Typically we see crossed runways which only allows for one takeoff and one landing at a time. With the 'swastika' type layout shown in the video all four runways can be utilized at once, effectively doubling the amount of traffic that the airport may handle safely at any given time.

2. New World Order theories: Firstly, there is no conclusive evidence that such a thing even exists outside of the most extreme conspiracy theories and works of fiction. If we approach such a thing from a logical standpoint we see how ridiculous this idea is.

Firstly, in order to reduce the population to the point that conspiracy theorists state we would have to eliminate over 67% of the world's population. This is, from a practical standpoint, impossible. In order for this to occur then each member of the New World Order's population would have to be responsible for the death of 2-3 individuals. Even from a militaristic standpoint the logistics and sheer impracticality of such an event are, for all intents and purposes, impossible. (Without the initiation of a nuclear holocaust, of course.)

Secondly, if there is a New World Order group aiming to take control of the world why would such a powerful group leave anything to evidence their existence? The power of any 'secret society' is that it is a secret. These conspiracy theorists link all manner of common human icons to this "New World Order" and make all manner of claims regarding them. The simple fact is that if such an organization with the power and aims that it is attributed even existed no one would know about it. Ever.

3. The murals in the airport: If you do just a small bit of research you will find that the artist has his own website and actually addresses the conspiracy theories surrounding his art as well as offering, in his own words, the meaning he implied by his art. And after reading his explanation and looking at the art I personally find that the symbolism he used and his intended meaning to be far more believable than any conspiracy theory.

The inferences made by the narrator are outrageous and best. Much of the symbolism she infers is based solely on wild connections that make little to no sense. Many of the symbols pointed out could realistically have any of hundreds of inferences applied, yet she picks one, and only one, that would marginally support some conspiracy theory.

When we are interpreting symbolism we must take into account that often times there are multitude meanings and in order to do any justice to the artists we must take their position into account, as well as many other opinions. To jump to one conclusion based on our own personal ideas is fallacious and does the artist a disservice. If you want to read the artists own words, and see images of the murals, visit Leo Tanguma's Website.

4. Underground Buildings: Firstly, nearly every major airport in the United States has a collection of underground tunnels and rooms. This is for storage and the movement of supplies, foreign diplomats, and often celebrities, away from the crowded and bustling people of a typical airport terminal. Also, the military has rights and access to every civilian airport in the U.S. and many use these airports as refueling areas and most Air National Guard units maintain a hangar (or several) at the nearest large airport.

The implied secrecy around the construction of these tunnels indicates little to nothing that indicates that there is any sort of conspiracy. However I would like to point out that there is a large military presence not far from Denver, as well as several storage areas for ICBMs, and even missile silos in the area. It seems to me that the military is using some, if not all, of these tunnels for storage and transportation.

Also, regarding the letter shown in the video some extensive research shows that this is in reference to the use of federal civilian inmates. We have known for quite some time now that the federal government has used inmates as a cheap labor force, and apparently this letter is in reference to that and is taken completely out of context in an effort to support these conspiracy theories. In addition, this letter was written over 2 years after DIA opened, and as such is relevance is even more questionable.

Also, I have seen many references to the amount of communications relays in the area. DIA is one of only a few airports that offers free Wi-Fi access to all of its patrons and much of this equipment is necessary to meet the demands of such a large area. Also, the geographic features of the area requires much more powerful equipment in order to ensure quality of service.

Many questions have been raised as to the necessity of the size of area that the airport occupies. The purpose of the placement of DIA is to allow for easy expansion to meet growing needs in the future, as opposed to having to build a new airport should demand exceed the current capabilities. I also would like to note that DIA has grown to the point that it is now the 10th busiest airport in the world based on passenger traffic, and the 4th busiest in terms of aircraft serviced. Much of this is due to the quality of the airport as well as the layout of the runways which drastically increase the efficiency as well as quality of service.

4,005 posts

Oops, forgot to address the primary query. No, I do not think that the world is uniting as one. I find that it is counterproductive to all individual aims and goals and is so far against our human nature that short of supernatural intervention or the militaristic conquest of the entire world by one nation that it will never happen. As humans we celebrate our differences and take great pride in our individual heritages and to overcome this to unite the entire planet is an extremely far fetched ideal.

323 posts

i would like to say that your argument makes perfect sense. but to your second point what if it wasn't this organization that would allow its secrets to show. maybe it was someone trying to warn us but i emphasize on the what if. secondly the swastika like shape of the airport is understandable to allow four points of entry for aircraft... meaning that four aircraft can land on a runway at the same time unlike my home airport of Melbourne (Tullamarine) which has two runways crisscrossing. and thirdly to how to kill 2/3 of the population.. just like in the video only not in gas chambers. a virus would be the best idea but a virus where somewhere lower than 1/3 and higher than 1/10 of the world population can survive by being either immune or able to fight it. because you have to think of adaption. every virus you have once you have fought it and won you will never catch it again. that may sound strange but this is the reason why. once your body has configured the antibodies for that virus, if you ever catch it again the body will recognize the virus, and send out the right type of antibody to kill it.. thus your body shows no symptoms. the reason you get the cold so much is that the virus is always adapting and that is why you show the same symptoms... so if someone had the right antibody for this then enough people will instantly fight this virus unlike the majority of the population

4,005 posts

what if it wasn't this organization that would allow its secrets to show. maybe it was someone trying to warn us

I suppose that it could be plausible. However I would like to point out that conspiracy theorists have been talking about secret societies plotting to take over the world and commit all manner of heinous acts for as long as we've had society. The simple fact of the matter is that none of them have been based on factual evidence. I say conspiracy theories have a long history of being baseless accusations made by people with an agenda and an ideal that they are attempting to lend credibility to.
5,061 posts

Bio warfare is unpredictable and dangerous, you'd be better off initiating a nuclear war. Atleast with a nuke you would know how the effects are going to spread, with bio-war the virus can adapt and spread rapidly leaving only the few with natural immunity alive.

However I would like to point out that there is a large military presence not far from Denver, as well as several storage areas for ICBMs, and even missile silos in the area.

Interesting how that was completely left out, is this public knowledge or would you have to look for it to find out?


Can you explain the fences of barbed wire facing inward? Or the mention of an organization that doesn't exist? (New World Airport)

I would mention the foreign dignitaries but the video states that this was done under an alias, and as such it seems there is no proof to this.
323 posts

the barbed fence could be a precaution to a possible terrorist attack

5,061 posts

But there should be a coil on the outside too. Just having it a roll of barbed wire on the inside of the fence doesn't make much sense.

323 posts

lets be honest... i could get into my closest international airport easily by climbing the fence... they probably thought that its out in the open.. if anyone jumps it we will catch him before he can get a chance to do anything

4,005 posts

Colorado's missile silo locations.

Silo Locations
Lowry AFB

Can you explain the fences of barbed wire facing inward?

With barbed or razor wire the direction of the facing really makes little difference, however it is more common for the wiring to face outward. What we don't see here is where exactly this particular fence is located or any other information. All that is offered is a picture of a fence with no point of reference or it's placement. Until I see some of that I won't even begin to speculate.

Or the mention of an organization that doesn't exist? (New World Airport)

There have been and will continue to be numerous references to a "New World" organization of one type or another. Typically this is used to mean that what is happening is indicative of future methodologies or traditions and very rarely is it used in relation to any sort of conspiracy theory.

In this case it seems to be more of a reference to the actual organization and function of the airport than an actual organization as in a company or group. Also, the references to the masonic order are quite intentional. I would like to point out that the masonic order is a group which promotes religious tolerance, education, leadership, and personal betterment.

Freemasonry is not even a 'secret society' in that information about it's goals, ideals, and even it's membership is available to the public. In the instance of the airport it seems that the ideals of freemasonry played a role in the concept, design, and construction of the airport. This makes perfect sense as well if you know and understand the ideals and influence of masonic traditions and philosophies.
9,462 posts

A lot of the points that I was thinking have already been mentioned here.

The biggest thing that came to mind was, why would a secret organization leave clues all over the place of it's existence?

maybe it was someone trying to warn us but i emphasize on the what if.

I find about as unlikely as the organization doing it themselves. We would likely be talking about a good sized group of people working together to be able to leave these sorts of clues. Also instead of going out of there way to leave a number of cryptic clues, it would be more undermining and logical for them to simply go public with the evidence of this groups existence.

Bio warfare is unpredictable and dangerous,

Very true. Using bio warfare you could just as easily end up killing the people you want to keep alive as the ones you want to kill.
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