ForumsWEPRSouth Korea!

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151 posts

So, if you follow the news. You will know that there are some age old issues between South Korea and North Korea. If you don't know whats going on right now, let me catch you up.

Allegedly N. Korea sank one of S. Korea's ships. Now the US is sending over a small fleet over to Korea to flex there muscles and show that they are backing S. Korea, so N. Korea better not mess around with S. Korea anymore. Now it's well known that China is an ally to N. Korea, and the US and China have not been getting along to well lately.
Does anyone have any opinion on what may come out of all this? Are there signs as of a possible war for China and the US?

  • 23 Replies
15 posts

I don't know. I think Japan might help and come aid the U.S. This may turn into World War 3 (not likely.) Well I know there is a lot of conflict about this and even a James Bond movie on it. There might be a small conflict. If N. Korea sends a missle or something, then there probably will be a war. Another possibility is that if China interferes, then NATO, then UN, and everything else.

4,005 posts

Actually situations like this have been going on for over 50 years now. And also, the US is officially still at war with North Korea. We agreed to a ceasefire, but there was no actual revocation of our hostile status with them. Until North Korea does something simply over the top then there will always be these little skirmishes in the area. I wish they'd just hurry up and screw the pooch so we can go in and blast them back to the stone age. All this farting around near the borders and in contested waters is just ridiculous.

3,880 posts

Ehh China doesn't really have any relations with North Korea. That was only during the Korean War in which the Maoist China backed the communist North army.

3,085 posts

My Grandfather fought against the Koreans 50-something years ago. Thankfully, if a full-on war breaks out again, I won't be able to fight in it (YAY! for disability). I think North Korea is trying to see how much it can get away with and push another country into attacking IT first.

1,739 posts

Seeing as none of us are Koreans (I believe), we can discuss this as outsiders. That has pros and cons:

We aren't too biased (Good)
We aren't biased (bad)

The bias is what seems to be driving these people.

It's unlikely China and the U.S will go to war about the Koreans. They will most likely have a paper fight and raise tire tax prices again

Though I feel at some point something very messy is going to happen involving Kim Il-sung. Hope it does not pull too many people in (Unlikely, but worth hoping for...).

Another possibility is that if China interferes, then NATO, then UN, and everything else.

And then world peace will collapse and everyone will join a giant, pointless massacre... no.
The only possibilty of starting a war is doing something like sending missiles, and I think even that North Korea isn't that mad to do that.

We don't know that. Seeing as we know little information on this topic, it is unclear and un-right for any of us to say how this will end up. Anything could happen...
103 posts

[quote="unlimitedpower"]Though I feel at some point something very messy is going to happen involving Kim Il-sung. Hope it does not pull too many people in (Unlikely, but worth hoping for...).[/quote]
Is he coming back from the grave? He died, like, 16 years ago.

So... I'm going to assume you meant Kim Jong-Il.

And I don't think we'll be going to war with North Korea again anytime soon. Politics and war have come a long way since the Korean Conflict in the 1950s. Even though it's still ongoing, they would not be able to win. Or... perhaps they could. The US is highly distracted with the Middle East. However, if Kim Jong-Il tries anything on South Korea, I have no doubt will will continue to aide them and support them.

I'm not the smartest with politics, war, and history. I think a big war will find everyone soon enough, and it will likely involve every country on this planet. It will be a war of economics, politics, religion, and over the treatment of this earth.

Still, I think there will continue to be a struggle with North Korea and we will continue to keep our alliance with South Korea.

2,837 posts

1. Any involvement from Japan would be purely economic as they were not allowed to recreate a military after we nuked them.

2. China gives humanitarian aid to North Korea to prevent people from starving and to keep the peace. They also have the problem of people flooding across the border undetected.

3. Many North and South Koreans desire reunification. After the death of Kim Jong-Il there is hope for this. No one knows what will happen until such an event takes place.

15 posts

[quote]1. Any involvement from Japan would be purely economic as they were not allowed to recreate a military after we nuked them.

Maybe the US might give Japan permission for aid.

Have you seen Im a Korean song? you can watch it here:

15 posts

Sorry about the quote

I also forgot to write that I'm not sure if we will do something b/c Obama isn't in Presidency and he won't bother like he did in the oil spill.

BTW, Im not an Obama fan.

103 posts

[quote=balerion07"]3. Many North and South Koreans desire reunification. After the death of Kim Jong-Il there is hope for this. No one knows what will happen until such an event takes place.[/quote]
I hope so. Civil wars can tear nations apart, and they have. Putting it all back together can be tricky (and all it can take is one nay-saying leader).

[quote="rtexti"]I also forgot to write that I'm not sure if we will do something b/c Obama isn't in Presidency and he won't bother like he did in the oil spill.

BTW, Im not an Obama fan.[/quote]
Actually, Obama is in the Presidency, and he will bother because North Korea could be a potential threat to the US as it has for sixty years. The Korean Conflict is technically not over, but they've agreed to an armistice in July 1953. Obama will have to address this issue, and he knows it exists.

Your disapproval of our President does not mean he will not take of the things that need taking care of. This nation has a horribly nasty habit of blaming things on the President simply because they do not like something (i.e., not everything was Bush's fault, nor is it now Obama's). Get out of that habit. The Korean Conflict will be resolved entirely. For now, however, the armistice has worked for 57 years. My grandfather was glad to come home from it, too.

151 posts

I agree with runswithwands, to many things get blamed on the president do to lack of knowledge on how our governmental system works. So very many things needs to be blamed more on congress and less on our presidents. I am not trying to defend any of our current or past presidents for any mistakes they might have made. But before people just assume it's the fault of any individual they need to know who is really making the decisions on things. If people as a whole had more general knowledge on how the system works, we would have a much less ignorant opinion on our leaders, and would have a much greater overall control over our government.

1,739 posts

So... I'm going to assume you meant Kim Jong-Il.

Oooops, my mistake. Got the wrong name.
Or... perhaps they could. The US is highly distracted with the Middle East.

Even if they managed to defeat the American army back home, i can't see them controlling 300 million people who all hate them. Eventually revolts or organized military will come out and massacre them.
3. Many North and South Koreans desire reunification. After the death of Kim Jong-Il there is hope for this. No one knows what will happen until such an event takes place.

But the higher powers are still preventing it. And like I said before, something messy is going to happen involving Kim Jong II.
1. Any involvement from Japan would be purely economic as they were not allowed to recreate a military after we nuked them.

Read this. If that's not half a military to you, then I won't argue anymore.
not everything was Bush's fault

Most of the time though, the president has to take responsibility for his administration's actions. And Bush is a very picky topic...
908 posts

I'm sorry for all the Americans here, but I'm starting to be sick of the USA trying to be the &quoteacemakers" of the world by showing of their military prowesses. Seriously, a forum on the security in the southern Asia region is set up and all the Asian countries go there to try and clear things out by themselves, but that doesn't suit the US military, oh no!! So they organise a taunting parade close to the NKorea borders. Clearly the US do not want peace or a scission of these two countries.

Also, by instigating more severe sanctions, they violated (again) a UN decision.

Now, I don't want to be misunderstood here: clearly, the North Korean leader is "mad" but you have to remeber that the North korean people did not elect him, and a huge part of the population resents him, but they cannot leave! And they would be the ones ending up as fodder in the war if war there is.

On another topic, if there is a war, I think Japan would be on the side of China rather than the US, simply because today they have much more important ties with them... but I doubt a war will occur as both sides have the nuclear deterrent.

2,837 posts

Japan is terrified of being taken over by China. Its our continued presence on their islands that maintains the peace. Also Koreans can and do flee from North Korea to South Korea and China. The illegal immigration to China is a fairly big issue over there. And as for the UN who gives a flying rat's ass? We created the UN and quite frankly don't give a damn as to what it says. Remember the League of Nations? We made that too. Don't you just love PERMANENT VETO POWER???

908 posts

Its our continued presence on their islands that maintains the peace.

Mouarf, please don't make me laugh... The Japanese have far more investments in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and seeing as the USA economy is crumbling anyways, while China's is growing...I don't think they'd have to think too hard to see where their interests would lie in an eventual war.

Also Koreans can and do flee from North Korea to South Korea and China.

Yes but if they do, their family is thrown in jail unless they return... (a South Korean friend told me that that's what happened to his cousin)

We created the UN and quite frankly don't give a **** as to what it says.

Great. You see, it's because American people think that way that everyone else hates you...

Remember the League of Nations? We made that too.

Haha first time I actually hear an American citizen taking responsibility for WWII (because the decisions of the League of Nations pretty much put Germany in the situation in which it was when Hitler came in power). But hey, French are not innocent either, don't worry.

Don't you just love PERMANENT VETO POWER

Yeah I do, especially when the USA ignore it. Remember, before the war in Irak, France vetoed the USA's decision to attack?? And they still attacked?? And found no massive destruction weapons?? And took control of the oil wells?? And are now in a little trouble??

Lol anyways, I don't think I'll prolongate this argument as it's deviating from the topic and would probably get out of hand anyways, so no further posts by me here (except relating to the Korea situation). Direct all hate mail to my profile
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