ForumsGame WalkthroughsChaos Faction 2 survival mode

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Ever wondered how some of the people on the hs got 300+ kills when you can only get like 20? It is actually quite simple, you just have to do the same thing over and over.

Stay under the red and white platform and don't go any where. When the enemy comes down from the top after each respawn, he will usually step on the platform for a brief moment before dropping down from either side to attack you. What you have to do is to jump up and carry out a backflip kick below him when he is on that platform. Then in mid-air, double jump and backflip him again. This should send him falling into either one of the pits before he even gets a chance to attack. Repeat process as many times as you can. You can get 100+ kills without losing one life.

Sometimes it takes more than 2 backflips to kick the enemy off, depending on the angle and distance from edge. Just land, jump up and do it again with him still in air.

1) If the enemy escaped from your backflips at the beginning, let him tail you and look for another chance. The lamp post, rooftop and trampoline are all good places to try again. Just wait till he is on them and backflip kick from below.
2) Avoid direct combat. You won't last very long if you insist on exchanging punches or bullets with every single enemy.
3) Make use of the time for the computer to respawn to grab all weapons and throw them away. You don't need them and some are deadly in the hands of the opponent. Ninja stars, tasers and sniper rifles are worth keeping though if you are bored of doing backflips.
4) Use side dash often. It allows you to move at high speed. Useful for grabbing weapons, shaking off attacks and disarming. However never side dash towards the enemy from a higher position. If he hits you from below you will fly off the screen.
5) Rage attacks are random, inaccurate and risky, especially rage kicks. You may fall into the pits if you pull one of those off near the edge.
6) Mines can be disarmed with Gattling Gun and explosives.
7) The enemy gets harder as you gain kills, but the increase in skill becomes unnoticeable after 150+ opponent.

  • 3 Replies
993 posts

6) Mines can be disarmed with Gattling Gun and explosives.

But cant mines get disarmed with all projectile weapons expect sniper rifle?
156 posts

Yezz, i think

73 posts

But cant mines get disarmed with all projectile weapons expect sniper rifle?

Projectile weapons like Tommy Gun, Uzi, slingshot, ninja stars etc can't set off mines. Use Minigun(I called it the Gattling Gun, it is the same thing) and explosives, or you can just drop an anvil onto or knock your opponent into the mines.

Couple more tips:
-Use the health leech since there are no health packets in survival mode.
-Immobilize your opponent with pitchfork and drop him into the pits.
-Weapons that spawn in survival mode have to be unlocked in campaign mode first. If you reset your file in settings and go into survival mode, only default weapons like trampoline and boxing gloves spawn. A good way to completely terminate the chances of more dangerous weapons falling into the hands of the opponent.

If anyone got more tips feel free to post them here.
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