On August 27th at 12:30 am Mars is supposed to get extremly close to the earth and will look like we have two moons. This won't be this close again.(until 2287 so no one alive today will see it again.)What do you think about it? Personally I think this will be really cool!!!
neither does Nevada, and earth is held up by giant space turtle!!!
i like staring into the night sky and thinking how insugnificant we all are on our little planet in a indescribably small part of the universe. It is only then that you try to make a purpose in life
i really dont care if it did happen in '03 because it will not happen for a LONG TIME! also how did we get from taking about mars to the earth and how it is held up by 4 giant elephants?
neither does Nevada, and earth is held up by giant space turtle!!
Lol :=0
Perhaps not. freakymonkey is 15, so the last possible time he would have seen this, at the age of 8, I don't imagine he would have much remembered it. I barely remember it and I was 19.
I didn't see it either.
You can see Mars with the naked eye almost all year... From both hemispheres.
also how did we get from taking about mars to the earth and how it is held up by 4 giant elephants?
I think we should be paying close attention to this solar storms . The OP is wrong and NASA only comments on 2003's August 27th Mars closest to earth event.