ForumsWEPRMosque being built next to ground zero

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I read this from the JIDF, and it got me thinking that it would be a good thing to discuss here.
So what do you all think? Do you think the muslims are trying to spit in the face of America? Or do you think they have the right to build a mosque there?
My opinion is in the comment below. It was on facebook, but I'm going to paste just my comment to protect the identity of myself and others.

Have any of you ever heard of the founding fathers? They wanted to seperate church and state. That is one of the main things that our country was built on, correct me if I'm wrong. The government won't (or shouldn't) be able to stop them from building their mosque there. I understand some people find it disrespectful. You can't blame an entire race or religion for the actions of some radicals. That's like a non-Christian saying all Christians are crusaders that are trying to steal their homeland. It's just not fair.
If they do find out that the money is drawn from terrorist sources, then fine, it was a spit in the face. But trying to stop them from putting up a house of worship is basically going against what our country is SUPPOSED to mean. If you don't realize or accept that America has holes and flaws like everything else, then I feel very sorry for you.

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His thread already exists and can be found here

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