This guy is so funny here is his new video[url=http://]
Shane is gonna be the #1 most subribed all time
Shane's awesome! Nuff said.
He said gonna.. and i agree with him
the dude sucks. not funny at all
What about Supermac18? He's funny+ he's super hot. :]
Here is a vid Video Supermac18"So yummy, so yummy, so YUMMY, SO YUMMY" Oh wow, I think I had an orgasm.
thats sick and Shane Dawson is awesome
i think all 13 year olds know what an orgasm is
If you think Shane Dawson is funny you're a flaming homosexual.
I'm sorry, you guys will all hate me for it but I don't like him. I just don't really see how you find him so hilarious.
He's not funny. Fred is funnier and Fred is horrible, but I have to agree with Saving, SuperMac18 is pretty funny.
@Saving123 Yeah it must be a Southern thing lol. Us Southerners know comedy.
i dont like any of them anymore i liked fred but he got old shane was okay for a while never watched nigahiga and probably never will the only popular people i ever liked was makemebad but i havent seen a video of his for a while
I'm not a huge fan of him, like, he doesn't make me "lol", but he's a pretty funny guy. He's really creative.
Shane got boring over the years.
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