Anyways, back to topic, I can't beat it either. Its incredibly difficult defending when your being flanked from the sides. Plus resources are so slow..
Anyways, back to topic, I can't beat it either. Its incredibly difficult defending when your being flanked from the sides. Plus resources are so slow..
Its survival, you cant win it! My tip is just using rocket marines at end, all other units are pretty useless.
What i did is just put defenses on both sides and a marine on a turret on both sides too, and i get a small squad of units (preferably fast ones like marines and the trucks with machine guns to re-fill ammo). I got to survive 10 mins by doing this.
Well this is difficult considering the only decent guy on the battle field is General Dem, whom you control. However, Dem is a very slow walker, he can't even run (maybe it's because he doesn't have lungs!) What I recommend is having lots of men with rifles and rocket launchers behind the cover of a tank. Buy as many of the special units as possible like the lieutenants. Also, don't forget to use that artillery!