Ok so i'm regularly watching CTFxC and their daily blogs when I noticed a song that I cannot stop replaying![url=]http://www.youtube.com/user/CTFxC[url]Go to about 3:14 in the Video to listen to what I like.If you know the name and the song PLZ reply in this forum or On my profile.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/user/CTFxC]Sry for teh link fail in the post up there.
This should work xD
And as far as the video that came up when I clicked the link there is no song at 3:14.. It's a link to a channel, which video was it?Put a link to that
Day 450
Really people I need help. I MUST know the name of that song!
There's no song at 3:14 mate, unless you mean 23:14, in that case, Bury yourself in a deep hole and re-think your music taste xD
If you can't handle its awesomeness, Go find a nice high bridge to play on. :P
I prefer playing on busy main roads Are you serious about wanting to know the name?It's said about 10 times in that small part of the clip.. lol
Really where?!I don't know what you R talking about.
I just got trolled. Nice one
BlackVortex is entirely correct. If you Google search the ONE word that little retard sings over and over you'd get the answer to your question.A little critical thinking will really get you far in life.
Do you know anything about the mysterious 10 second clip of awesome music in day 450 of CTFxC's Journey?3:14
Hey retard U got nothing to to say so get out.I already tried searching that little clip of lyrics and Guess what?!Nothing good came up! Is'nt that funny how what you recommended didnt work?!
ZOMG I got it! Passion Pit- The reeling!
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