Worst: For once it's not Justin Beiber, i would say Britney Spears. Shes hot gotta give her kudos for that, but from the very start of her career she is an attention seeking teen sensation whore. Certainly with 'Hit Me Baby One More Time', yes the school outfit made her the sexiest women alive, for the whole 15 minutes of internet fame, after that she did not get the message she was not wanted.
Best: Pokemon Worst; Twilight I liked the original version of vampires but twilight ****** it up for me sparkling vampires really, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears.
1st: Please stop hating on Justin Bieber. Sorry, I just hate haters. (irony) 2nd: When did DBZ become a craze? I guess it's not really teen, but I just want to know, because it seems pretty popular now (it's back on t.v.), but I know people who just got into it.