ForumsGame Walkthroughshints: Paladin. Please vote

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I have played Paladin over 47 hours (level 63) and have some hints.

General tips.

- every skill is usable even on first level. When you develop your Attack and AP, most of skills gets more effective.
- Choose which skill (or skills) you want to concentrate on, accumulate skill points and spend them after chosen skill unlocks.
- most skills get more expensive with level. When you level up a skill, calculate how many times you will be able to cast it. This is not very effective if you have a skill which you cannot cast because it costs more AP you can afford.
- On certain levels various skills develop their statistics which has much influence on how powerful the skill is, for example area radius, number of attacks or missiles. You can develop a skill by jumping from one such level to another, especially when your character has low AP and effectiveness vs. cost ratio is important. For example: Thief skill - Burst of arrows â" gains additional missile on levels 1,5,9,13,17, so you could keep it on level 1,5,9,13,17 or 20.

- You can gain more base stat points from your equipment than from character development.
- uncommon rare and unique items (and rarely talents) are only way to gain special stats such as magical resistances, additional magical damage and others.
- HP drain and AP drain stats can be gained only by combining runes with items. Such runes and gems are rewards for completing sidequests from Hunters' Guild. You can gain up to 270 statistic points this way i.e. 9 items * 3 slots in each item * +10 for greater rune/gem in each slot = 270 points of bonus.
- Your carrying capacity depends on your base attack. Each 2 points spend on attack allows you to carry one more item (up to 100). Remember this when you HAVE TO pick up item and your backpack is full.
- If attack is much greater then defence it hits almost always, but there is always a small chance for this attack to fail.
- If defence is much greater then attack, the attack fails almost always, but there is always small chance for attack to hit.

My favorite skills
Aura of Dazzling Light [AODL]â" It is great! It works as you had another character aiding you with automatic magic attacks. Lifesaving if you are fighting melee against enemies with missile attacks. I keep it always on.
Holy Wrath â" Powerful attack on big area. It has only one drawback. Looong reloading time.
Summon Anima â" Doubles attack and defence even on first level. On 63 lvl my character has 700+ attack ,and 700+ defence for 40 s. Its is almost invincible on 3 level of difficulty. If 40 seconds is not enough for killing boss, go on another location and charge summon.

My favorite Paladin talents
Two-handed mastery - Increases damage. Best if you want to kill enemies fast.
Shield talent â" Doubles defence parameter of equipped shield! Essential on later levels. With this talent and good shield enemies rarely hit you without magic.
One-handed mastery â" Increases damage. If you want to you use Shield Talent this is the must.
Life Power â" powers AoDL and Holy Wrath
One-handed speed â" mandatory. Every millisecond less between attacks counts in close combat
Two-handed speed - mandatory. Every millisecond less between attacks count in close combat
Superb Protection - gain bonus from your armour. Take this if you are using two-handed weapon. Cumulates with Shield Talent.

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i vote

256 posts

this is different than Paladin:the game....
what is this game?
well i know what game it is but where is it?

37 posts

you wil find it at google

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