Okay, let me first say that when choosing between killing one human and killing 1 animal, you'd choose the animal.
That's honestly a debatable point. Simply because YOU would choose the animal doesn't mean that everyone would.
You'd choose the animal if it were 1 human vs. 100 animals, or 500 animals.
Again, very debatable point here. You are projecting YOUR beliefs onto me, and that's not going to work.
Give me an honest choice, no legal ramifications, and I have to choose between putting a bullet in your head and doing the same to 100 or 500 animals, for this example we'll say wolves. So, I won't go to prison for murder if I kill you, and I won't go to prison for poaching if I kill 500 wolves. Guess what bub. Honest to goodness I'm putting a .40 S&W right into your ocularcranial cavity. Sorry.
Eugenics sounds great when you say it that way but really you're infringing on people's right to procreate. It's just unethical.
And what is ethical about people having children who can't take care of them? Or people who continue having children even though they have aids, or an extremely high propensity for down syndrome or other deformities, things which they pass to their children, who then become a burden on our educational system, or medical system, and our society.
When is it more ethical to do that, than to screen for these things and say "Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but you have a 65% genetic predisposition for spina bifida. We simply cannot allow the chances that you create an offspring doomed to a life of suffering. However we can offer to implant a genetically healthy embryo for you to carry to term and raise if you still desire to raise children."
And I'd say the need to have 8 kids is more of a cultural than a specifically religious thing; I'm sure many islamic families could be fine with just three kids in the event of overpopulation.
I would agree that they would be fine with 2 or 3 kids. But you are infringing on their personal rights, as well as their cultural and religious beliefs in order to impose your brand of morality. How is that any different than imposing eugenics or population thinning? In either case you are infringing upon individual rights in the interest of the greater good.
And isn't it hypocritical of you to say that you wouldn't kill yourself for overpopulation but it's okay to kill others?
I suppose so. However you will recall that I simply said that should the need arise that thinning of the population could in some instances be necessary. Luckily for me that won't be in my lifetime. However if it is, so be it. Do I want to die? No. If my death somehow makes this world a better place for my children will I do it. You bet.
The most obvious method of population thinning is to first eliminate the sick and the old. Those who are the greatest burden on the species are of the least benefit and as such are the first to be eliminated. I'm neither sick nor old so I'm not too concerned to be honest. When we look at quality of life in respect to population control we must look at the greatest quality of life for the greatest amount of time for the greatest amount of people. And as I said, if it happens when I'm crippled, sick, old, in a coma, or what have you then so be it.