Yes, I know a thread with the same title was just locked, but I hope this one will be more intelligent. I would like YOUR opinion, and an explanation of why you see it that way. I myself would have to say the chicken, because of evolution, it could have evolved from a different bird, so it wouldn't be an actual chicken egg, it would be a different species' egg, but the first chicken came from it.
@Sidenay read my previous posts. While it's ok to say that if you are a creationist that the chicken came first (and if you don't pay attention to the fact that creationism is a religious assumption, with no scientific basing or fact), if you read my previous posts, I make it clear that the chicken would have to come after the egg, because of what i stated regarding ovocleidin. The chicken could not be first because it's egg needed that mutated protein (ovocleidin). Gallus Gallus could only come after the mutation of ovocleidin.
because EVEN with that protein that egg will be still a mutant and not a proper bird because it was lie for a reptile!!! next from that egg came a chicken! the first one! im not against you its only than i have a diferent opinion
And I'm saying gallus gallus came from the mutated egg of the animal directly before it... Which prob wasn't a reptile, but some type of early bird. And if u really think of it Gallus Gallus in itself is a mutant. Allow me to reiterate: what er know to be gallus gallus could only have hatched from an egg with ovocleidin bonding the calcium (What we know as a chicken egg). If it was not for the ovocleidin that made that egg what it is (a chicken egg) gallus gallus would've never hatched.
because EVEN with that protein that egg will be still a mutant and not a proper bird because it was lie for a reptile!!!
Actually there are a number of evolutionary steps between the two species.
what er know to be gallus gallus could only have hatched from an egg with ovocleidin bonding the calcium (What we know as a chicken egg). If it was not for the ovocleidin that made that egg what it is (a chicken egg) gallus gallus would've never hatched.
Could you perhaps provide a link explaining this? It wouldn't have to be about chicken evolution, just something on how the protein bonding in eggs has to also change with the emergence of a new species of bird.
what er know to be gallus gallus could only have hatched from an egg with ovocleidin bonding the calcium
Umm... that's not exactly correct. The protein has evolved in the chicken, not prior to it, so it is biologically impossible for the egg from whence the first chicken came to have been bonded using the same protein. Evolution doesn't work like that. This protein, if it had been a mutation which formed in the species which gave rise to the first chicken, would still be evident in that species, which is not what is seen. Ergo, the protein evolved in the chicken, not before it, thus the first animal to use this specific protein to bond calcium in formation of an egg was the chicken.
Thanks, but I noticed it was dealing with the less specific question of chicken or the egg. It doesn't cover the more specific question put here of if the egg itself would be classified as a chicken egg. So yes if we are to ask in the general question of "What came first the chicken or the egg?" the egg does come first. But the question here is did a chicken come first or was it a chicken egg being laid by the previous close species.
All chickens we percieve are actually apart of a very clever and highly secret government program designed to test the gullability of the masses. However, it spiraled out of hand, and now a revealing of this would crash our economy (its a well known fact that chicken farmers account for 25% of the US' GDP). Also, mass hysteria would result from the mass confusion of people who became obese from eating fried chicken.
yes thats true i seen on the news one time they said that new studies found that chicken came before the egg i dont know how thats possible but i just thought id share it