Job: Progress: Effects: List of Players: Status: Helpful info: Description: ---------------------------------------------------------- Let's start with a reconized forum-game starter. A tank destroying job.
Job: Destroy the Tank! Progress: M-21 Abrams Tank, 250/250 Effects: New: 50% more chance of killing you: 5 turns, Conscript: Gets 50% more damage: 5 turns List Of Players: N/A Status: Waiting Helpful info: The Back is the weakest part of a tank! Description: An M-21 Abrams Main Battle Tank.
Job: Go to the Job Getting point Progress: 1000/1000 mi. Effects: N/A List of Players: Kylelolcat, Tomer, Pur Evil Status: N/A Helpful info: N/A Description: Get to the job getting point.
Kind of quick, but you make it to the point!
Another Job: Job: Kill the Man and 2 guards. Progress: Man, 50/50, Guard, 150/150, Guard, 150/150 Effects: N/A List of Players: N/A Status: Guarding the Man Helpful info: Man and Guards can only be pushed so far. Description: The guards are equipped with knives, and Glocks. Man is equipped with an assault rifle and grenades.
Another Job: Job: Kill the Man and 2 guards. Progress: Man, 50/50, Guard, 150/150, Guard, 150/150 Effects: N/A List of Players: Chillz, Dead, 3 updates, Tomer, in plane, Sir Noob, holding a sniper Status: Guarding the Man Helpful info: Man and Guards can only be pushed so far. Man and Guards are smart. Description: The guards are equipped with knives, and Glocks. Man is equipped with an assault rifle and grenades.
@Chillz: Man sees you and shoots you...
@Tomer: They run...
@Sir Noobalot: They see the glint off your sniper and shoot you, thank god you're on a roof, and they miss.
Flag Another Job: Job: Kill the Man and 2 guards. Progress: Man, 50/50, Guard, 150/150, Guard, 150/150 Effects: N/A List of Players: Chillz, Dead, 2 updates, Tomer, in plane, Sir Noob, holding a sniper, Kylelolcat, alive Status: Guarding the Man Helpful info: Man and Guards can only be pushed so far. Man and Guards are smart. Description: The guards are equipped with knives, and Glocks. Man is equipped with an assault rifle and grenades.
@Sir Noobalot: You get stunned, (The equipment was faulty) and you don't do anything.
@Kylelolcat: They see the C4 and run like banshees.
Another Job: Job: Kill the Man and 2 guards. Progress: Man, 0/50, Guard, 0/150, Guard, 0/150 Effects: N/A List of Players: Chillz, Dead, 1 updates, Tomer, in plane, Sir Noob, holding a sniper, Kylelolcat, alive Status: Guarding the Man Helpful info: Man and Guards can only be pushed so far. Man and Guards are smart. Description: The guards are equipped with knives, and Glocks. Man is equipped with an assault rifle and grenades.
Real Job: (Not kidding kid, buckle up.) Job: Destroy the ZPCI squad! (Yes, this is from Sonny.) Progress: ZPCI Elite, 1300/1300, Elite Medic, 750/750, Elite Sniper, 750/750 List of Players: N/A Status: Getting ready to kill Effects: N/A Helpful Info: None. These guys are out to KILL you. Description: This is based off of Sonny, not Sonny 2. (Note: You have to use moves from Sonny or Sonny 2!)
Real Job: (Not kidding kid, buckle up.) Job: Destroy the ZPCI squad! (Yes, this is from Sonny.) Progress: ZPCI Elite, 1300/1300, Elite Medic, 750/750, Elite Sniper, 750/750 List of Players: Sir Noobalot, Dead, (3 turns) Status: Reloading, 100% more damage, strike now! Effects: N/A Helpful Info: None. These guys are out to KILL you. Description: This is based off of Sonny, not Sonny 2. (Note: You have to use moves from Sonny or Sonny)
@Sir Noobalot: Krin orders them to shoot you because, well, you haven't played Sonny!