Personally, I thought this subject was on cheating in life, not on some electronic game. If you use codes (fine, cheats...) in a video/flash game, that is not really a bad thing, since all you are doing is ruining the success of completeing a game on your own. However, it is fun to use cheats in a game after you have beaten it... maybe in a game such as Grand Theft Auto, using a cheat to make your car fly might be rather entertaining.
Mammon, cheating is like lying, (well maybe not as bad as lying), but my point is, everyone has done it. This isn't just about video games; cheating on a test, pop quiz, copying off of someone's homework, using calculators for math, using walkthroughs, using "codes", whatever the circumstance is. There is a lot of examples that someone could define 'cheating'. That is why I am pointing out that everyone has done it. I'm not saying it's always necessarily a bad thing, im just pointing out that everyone has done it. So re-think what I'm saying here before claiming that I'm making so-called "uneducated foolish statments" because I can guarantee you, your statements are far more uneducated than mine.
Cheating gets fun when you are bored on some games but cheating on MMORPG's and things is funny! HAHA lol but then it gets boring easy and your more likely to quit so I do not like it as much as playing a game regularly.
If you call walkthroughs cheating you may as well call playing the game cheating. All walkthroughs do is tell you what to do and they give you hints. You still need skill to win
In singleplayer games, I think you get a better sense of accomplishment and fun if you beat the game without help the first time through. After that, using walkthrough to find the cool stuff you missed the first time around, or cheat codes to jump to places, are generally just for your own amusement, and not a bad thing at all. If you're using the walkthroughs or cheats just to beat the game... well, you're just cheating yourself.
Multiplayer games are a different story. Even trying to cheat should be cause to bring out the ban-stick for multiplayer games. You are not special; you can earn the cool gear just like everyone else.
Ha you make me laugh ryan7g, in a good way I suppose. Do you seriously think using a calculator counts as 'cheating'? If you consider using that sort of tool as breaking rules, then yes, everyone cheats. But in a logical sense of the word, not everyone cheats, only scumbags or people feeling down-on-their-luck.
When your feeling down because you suck at games and want to win something, cheat!
Personally, I think all games should have a cheat menu so if someone WANTS to use them, they can. (Of course there wouldn't be a high-score for that option). And you can choose between the two, cheating, and normal, to get the most fun out of a game. Also, this will stop cheat engines, hacking, and being bored all the time.
I think cheating takes the fun out of a game. I mean the point of a game is to provide you with fun while providing you a challenge. If you cheat you take away the challenge which is part of the fun. So in my opinion cheating is only for those who don't like to enjoy a game for what it really is. Thats why I don't cheat.
Well, idk about you, but we can't use calculators to solve our math problems where I go to school. I guess that's just my school? I figured it was the same for just about everyone else.
I hate cheating tbh... Only time I have really cheated was in san andreas for fun like spawning hydra and flying about the place, But if you need to cheat to get through a level or dont have the patience then i guess its ok in small amounts.