I've always wondered that, if a prisinor bribes a guard, why does the guard HAVE to open the cell. Why not take the bribe, pocket it, and not do anything beyond that.
Disregarding the example, I believe people do what they said they would do in order to make a reputation of a good person to bribe, therefore making ,ore money. Also, you don't want to take that guy's money and then not help, revenge isn't sweet for the victim.
Disregarding the example, I believe people do what they said they would do in order to make a reputation of a good person to bribe, therefore making ,ore money.
Exactly. And if you show yourself able to make good on such things you can even demand larger and larger bribes. It is simple business practice. If you show yourself to conduct business in a good fashion you will get more business, become in higher demand, and thus demand a greater price for your services.
maybe in olden day. but heres a scenario "Jim?" "yes?" "why is Luke letting murderer/rapist/other out" "that is intresting, maybe they would liek to share there cell"
Lying, cheating and stealing are all immoral and wrong. No one can deny that truth.
I can actually deny that 'truth'. I really don't mean to seem like I'm picking on you crimson, but I disagree with just about everything you say.
I lie to my children all the time. I tell them that when they get a boo-boo a kiss will make it all better. Does it? Nope, and I know full well that it's a lie. However I find that you would hard pressed to say that this lie is immoral or wrong where it makes them feel better.
Or when my wife asks if a particular outfit makes her butt look too big. Do I admit when it does? Of course not. Because if I did I would hurt her feelings and because I love her I lie. Is it immoral to lie in such an instance? I think not.
Stealing can also be moral. Look at those who are starving and steal bread so they can eat. Is it immoral and wrong to steal to survive? I would think not, and especially if you must steal to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves, such as small children.
Cheating has often been used in the same way, to swindle people out of money or items to pay for necessities. Would it be immoral to cheat someone out of a few dollars so you could feed your baby brother? I would contend that no, that's not immoral.
I could go on and on about instances in which lying, cheating, and stealing, while perhaps being immoral, are the lesser of two immoral choices and by that could be the right decision and not the wrong one. I am sorry, but the universe is not so cut and dry where everything is either always right or always wrong.
Cheating: Your playing a game, you should have no right to have a unfair advandage over others. using loaded die, keeping cards? if you gamble that exactly what it should be., gambling. you should take the same risk as the other person, and plus if your caught you go to jail ( if they dont kill you, of course ) and is immoral
Stealing: if i have a dollar, ITS MY DOLLAR. you buy law have no right to it or its use, if they thought stealing was right why is it a felony?
The same reasons why assassins just don't kill there bosses and pocket the money: By completing the job it is more likely they will get more jobs in the future.