ALRIGHT ok i went and im not gunna lie, i got messed up lol. it was SSOOOO tight. has anybody else gone? what are your thoughts about this years lineup? who was your favorite band there? any injuries? funny tales?
Nah I'm not going. I would've gone if GBH or Fear was there. I did go one year though, but there were too many bands I didn't like. GBH was there though and it was insane! Made it all worth it.
Don't worry dude when I went I got messed in the pit too. When GBH was playing there was this guy crowd surfing. The crowd ended up throwing him at least 10 feet in the air and he did a flip mid air! It was awesome nearly all of the crowd cheered! My brother also lost one of his shoes, but he ended up getting it back. Lots of fights too!
ya dude there are soo many hardcore bands this year you would dig.
suicide silence, white chapel, emmure (my personal fav), bring me the horizan, anti flag, pennywise, dropkick murphys, alkalyne trio, and every time i die, were ALL there this year it was HUGE