ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Words and Workings of Wolf

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Here is a thread dedicated to my work as a writer. This thread will mostly be filled with my poems which vary in theme but I try to fashion myself after my favourite poet T.S Eliot, who I believed captured human nature in his words. I aspire to do the same. Please feel free wo citique and review my work. However, simply saying "I like it" is not good enough, as a writer I must grow and develop so I beg you readers to give me a reason as to why or why not you liked the poem. To start off I shall provide you with one of my personal favourties.

These Are The Boring Bits

Call life what you will,
A joke,
A curse,
A gift,
An adventure.
Take from it what you will,
Lose yourself in it
Find your purpose
Find nothing at all.

A man asked, "What is the meaning of life?"
A woman told him, "Whatever you make it to be."
A child asked, "Is god real?"
A parent told them, "Only you can decide."

Personal opinion is what we use to guide us,
The opinions of others are what lose us.
We can never be certain
That we are certain of anything
Because of change,
And because things stay the same.
What makes sense one day,
Will confuse us another,
And so it goes on.
People tell others to:
Get in line,
Grow up,
Get our lives straight,
Who told these people these things?
And why tell us the things that broke them?

Is it human nature to be unhappy?

Two men sit on a bench,
In a park,
Under a tree.
They talk about family and friends
They talk about work and dreams.
One man says, "It is a waste of time to dream,"
The other says, "Yes, but to have dreams is not."
Dreams are what the world is made of
Bad dreams,
Good dreams,
Lost dreams.

Hope is never far off,
As the old die,
The young are born,
The young grow,
They become old,
The old die.
But while they are young,
They change the world.
Some for the better,
Others for the worse.

Inspiration is a dream.

The only inspiration in life is life:
What to do?
How to do it?
Can we change the world?
How to change the world?
Is there purpose?
Are we real?
Or a figment of imagination?
All questions do not need answers.

Call life what you will,
These are the boring bits.

  • 634 Replies
3,437 posts

Heart Shaped Box

There's a heart shaped box on the windowsill.
Inside lies a bloody mess, do with it what you will.
The heart inside the heart shaped box, by the window sill.

The box is covered in black cloth, dark as the night.
No glow or warm shines forth, no life giving light.
The radiance gone, no longer shining in the dark night.

There's a heart shaped void, where love used to be.
Echoes of storms and madness reign, a terrifying sea.
Take this hear shaped void, fill it again, where love used to be.

3,437 posts

For every word placed upon the page, ten thousand go left unsaid.

3,437 posts


You know I haven't written a decent poem in months now. Something really poignant. Hell just something of a decent length. I don't understand it, and it's driving me mad. Most of my writing the past month has been absolute trash or non-existent. UHG! I can't seem to focus on much anymore, and that's also bothering me, hell even this rant is going to be far too short for my liking.

3,139 posts

Wolf, maybe you should go on a walk, go somewhere to gain new inspiration from?
All writers go through dry spells, don't worry about it !

1,936 posts

You know I haven't written a decent poem in months now. Something really poignant. Hell just something of a decent length. I don't understand it, and it's driving me mad. Most of my writing the past month has been absolute trash or non-existent. UHG! I can't seem to focus on much anymore, and that's also bothering me, hell even this rant is going to be far too short for my liking.

I'm still here for you! *glomp*
I'm having the same problem, actually. I haven't written poetry for a month or so now.
So if you figure something out, tell me too.
3,437 posts

My Dove.
Soft flitting wings to bring lover's sweet kiss.
Black as the tiding you bring, joyously.
You are a most cruel bird, to rend the heart so
And to feast on frothing, boiled blood that spills forth.

My Dove.
Light as a child's nightmare that creeps cretinously inside
Terrified minds. Gripping them with reaper's claws,
Shredding sanity so silently, it is naught but a faint remembering.
Such demonic promise in one so fair, black of wing and heart.

My Dove.
O low draconian saint. With morn's cruel light you flee.
Back to your crypic keeps that no mortal man shall dare enter.
Golden promise glimmers upon this new day, I weep.
Your soft touch, a lie in this sun. Shall you come again?

My black winged dove.

3,437 posts

A Touch of Distraction

Well, my unknown readers perhaps you have noticed I have been distracted of late. Too few updates to be sure, but I've tried time and again to write, but it never seems to be good enough. I realize I should just post and have done with the muddled affair that has become my writing, but I have a standard. It truly worries me that I have maintained this distracted air for so long. How long has it been, I cannot say, time has lost most of its meaning to my lackluster wits.

3,437 posts

Why I Write Poorly[b]

Well, if you've been wondering where the hell my updates went for [b]The Road of Night
, the side project I had been working on, and which seemed to have developed a greater readership than this thread, I must admit, I have disbanned the idea. Not for lack of motivation, but because of AG's site rules. See, I can't be PG 13 with a story like that, it's just not how I right. I'm dark and I'm tragic, and yes there will always be blood, or some form of explicitness that is not allowed on this site. I think the final discouragement came from Gantic's latest sticky, "Hey Creative People!". By no means am I blaming Gantic, because I actually had a story arc planned out, but then I remembered the site rules, and as I said before, I cannot write PG 13 material. Want an example? Look at some of my poetry, I'm surprised some of it hasn't been removed.

So, a lot of you might be wondering if my lack of adaptability shows a lack of maturity in my writing. I've hummed and hawed over that conundrum more than once these past few years as I've developed as a writer, and I can firmly say, "No". I suppose I could write a PG 13 story, but to me, it would never reach the standard I hold myself to. To me a story needs a bit more depth and I love writing mature themes and scenes in, it just adds something I find. Honestly, writing to such a young audience is just not my style, I'm aiming for adult fiction, not Youth.

Another question has probably occurred to you, if I'm aiming for adult fiction, why am I writing on a gaming site? Good question, my answer to this is less satisfying that I would have liked. Mainly I post here for two reasons: One, it's easy. Two: People know me, and actually read my work (comments are rare). I have tried going to other sites, where my work is more easily digested and accepted, but I've always run into a problem; people are stupid. My example would be Inkpop. That site is dedicated to romantic fan fics of varying degrees of acceptability, if your genre is not romance in some way shape or form, you shall be shunned. Oh, and it's populated mostly by half witted teenage girls who share no appreciation for my genre, Dark Fantasy.

Ranting aside, websites dedicated to writing are rarely fun places for me. Something about them irks me, as if the communities have this sense of superiority since they too can write. Serious discusion turns into argument and often times genres are pitted against eachother as if these people have nothing better to do than be juvenile deliquints. AG, has a great community, and is far more laid back, plus, it's easier to write when I know SOMEONE is going to read my work and judge me on the work, not the genre. True, I am restricted here, and true you've seen nothing but a shoddy bit of writing that is my true potential, but you've never seen me write a blood drenched battle scene, where the walls are scorched and crumbling to ruin under a relentless assault of sorcery, all the while the city behind the walls falls victim to catapult fire. I would, but I can't, so I don't. You guys understand.

One final thing, please do comment. I know I don't respond very much to them, but I do read them. I'll try to respond more, I've just been going crazy with hecticness and distractions.

3,086 posts

Wolf, as you know I love 95 or so % of your work, and read all of it. I don't critique on this thread a lot, or ever (if we're going to be bluntly honest). What I can tell you though, is that I hunger for those blood drenched battle scenes (I am a ****ing teen male after all) and the darker sides of fictional life. I also very much understand how you must feel restricted from a true audience, and the importance in having one that is guaranteed to critique every comma and bracket.

I'll try to make an effort to critique your work in the future, but I also have to concentrate tenfold on my real life, so note that I'm going to very busy for a while.

3,437 posts

It's no so much critiques, as it is just general commenting. I would love a critique, but I know it's not always possible. I don't mind seeing comments such as, "I liked it." but, I just want people to elaborate on WHY they like it.

The ironic thing about this site, is while it's a PG 13 site, a lot of my target audience, the older crowd, is actually on the forums. Most of the younger groups stay for the games. Look at WERP if you don't believe me. It's frustrating to be sure, and now with the grey area being clarified it's got me more than a little irritated, but only the way a writer can be irritated.

I've been of a mind to protest my stance on the situation, but, that would have me banned pretty fast, regardless if I was trying to be reasonable or not. So, I must simply mewl in my thread of ranting and words.

6,800 posts

On the subject of PG-13:

As you've pointed out, its a touching thing. But from what I've seen in the WoM, and other threads, you CAN get away with some measure of violence. Obviously, you can't say something like 'as the sword rolled through his belly, it left a gasping hole that spilled forth his blood and ventrils', but you can say more like 'I swung my sword at his gut, and then swung it around before finishing him off with a skull-crushing blow to the head'. I'm 15, and a teen male as Efan pointed out, but I don't like the overly gory stuff. I really liked 'Road of NIght', and I think you should continue it. Describing the burned out hulks and charred remains of a wall thats met the buisness end of a sorceror's spell isn't PG-13; its just good, descriptive writing.

If it really bothers you that much, put it up to Strop, Cenere, or Gantic.

Worse case scenario, just link to an out-of-site page where you can put the rest of it up, soley for those who are interested in it (which is a lot of people, mind you).

3,437 posts

Fair point Maverick. I've just been obsessively going over the whole R&R and Gantic's new sticky. From what Gantic wrote it seems pretty clear my more descriptive pieces aren't allowed here.

6,800 posts

I like the Road of Night, and it doesn't have violence yet. So its not like you got your fanbase for it soley on the gore aspects.

WoM has had mild violence in the past, and its posted up by Strop. KoA had mild violence, and Nicho never got in trouble for it (you may or may not know this one). My Story Series has had a few outburst, and will have violence in it, and everyone still adores me. ^^

You can have 'blood flecked swords', but no 'throwing entrails up int he air and dacning as blood rained down.'

And worst case scenario, your post gets deleted and you get a slap on the hand.

3,437 posts

it doesn't have violence yet

Yes, see that's the key point there. I do a lovely build up to get people interested. I'm not grotesque, but I'm not Tolkien either. I'm on a middle ground, but that middle ground is not PG 13.

And worst case scenario, your post gets deleted and you get a slap on the hand.

True, I'm going to have to seriously consider this though. Having my work deleted isn't exactly a fun experience.
3,086 posts

True, I'm going to have to seriously consider this though.
Having my work deleted isn't exactly a fun experience.

Surely you will have copies?
Hmm. Is there anyway you could get special permission for some kind of thread with users needing permission to access or those under 14 years of age or so not being allowed in or something similar?

You could spin it so Cormyn will see it as a show that the AG website supports young aspiring authors. Call it the rising writers program for AG's burgeoning authors and poets. The AMW is a pretty solid community at times you know. So maybe a petition?

That's as far as my head will take me at the moment, there probably millions of better ideas.
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