Go to google and search "homosexual god"(safe search on!).
Hah! sorry that tickled me pink. Remember always play safe... use a condom.
There will deffo be differences by law in a gay marriage or a straight marriage. Gay couples cannot concieve children, but can adopt or get someone else to fertalise them (women) or they fertalise someone else (men).
I am now going to quote the bible. No amtter what you think or what you want to say this Country was created on a strong moral basis. Anyone who believes differently can burn in heII for eternity.
Anyways... in Leviticus 20:13, it states that "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
This is obviously not going to happen in todays society, and I am not saying it should. One of my best friends has a mom who is lesbian (she went gay after having him) andI don't think she should be put to death. However, I don;t think she should get married. That is completely ignoring one of the base principals of the bible, and probably the quaran and a couple thousand other religious books.