dendrophilan on youtube has all the answers, cool and very funny videos. but i dont think free will exists, i mean if it did i'd be out there eating instead of writing the damned wasting my life.
@Drace, you say that your emotions are used by your brain, but we can control our brains. We choose to use our intelligence with our brain. You contradicted yourself there.
It is possible to be happy at the worst of times, but it is harder because of your emotions on the current situations. It is also possible to think 2+2=5 but that is the case when someone either doesn't actually know the answer, or just doesn't choose to use their knowledge of simplistic math equasions.
EX a child runs in a circle and punishment is hit with a belt, the same child talks about running around in a circle and is hit with a belt, a child looks like hes thinking of running around in a circle (dang these are mean parents) and is hit with a belt. They continue this process until he is 18 and out of the house. Now he will not think nor try to run around in a circle even if he wants to for fear of pain. discipline = fear = no free will courage can always be beaten down if it spikes up
He fears to do it. That has no affect on whether it is possible for him to do that. Now you also say he won't even think about it. Well why was he running in a circle for years knowing that he might get the belt? Why would it make a difference if he's out of the house? The fear of being hit which you might say. Well if he fears it so much WHY was he doing that until 18?
The prefrontal cortex determines your ability to plan, reason, concentrate, and adjust behavior. The main part I want to talk about is behavior since it pretty much goes with personality and determining a criminal. Before you say that part of the brain is developed based on previous experiences, think again. The brain is made while in the womb. Why do you think babies have their senses? Now, throughout life, the brain can be changed but not so much as to make you a killer. I question why you keep saying people in the hood are the people who kill others. All kinds of people commit murder and they did not have the same lifestyle. There are some who had the perfect life but still killed.
Your brain is like a computer with great protection. It would take a lot of hacking to change it.
And also, think about what effects your decision making, and perhaps, if you were perfectly free at one time in life, no worries, fears, happinesses or anger, you could make a perfectly free decision. and what you want would be unnefected by anthing.
Yes, behavior is quite different than free will or the choice to do something.
You can have very bad behavior, but it doesn't mean that you can't act in a good manner or in good taste. Yes, bad behavior may connect to your bad actions, but your behavior doesn't command your actions. It is simply a name for your actions. One who does good deeds, and overall has a good attitude (I know, bad definition, but bare with me :P) is someone with good behavior. You choose to have good behavior/bad behavior.
But the problem of your argument is that your talking about human behavior... were talking about free will, which is much different.
I was answering a question in this thread. Also, it has to do with free will since it shows that your brain decides everything. Your brain is a part of you so therefore, you have free will.
And the main problem with that is the influence of outside components... for example, your worries and fears.
True, but there are people who conquer their worries and fears. I actually think we are coming to a point where there are people who have more free will then others.