Also, I never said we only follow our past, we make progress out of it and make complex behaviors that shape our personalities. I'm just saying that whatever we do can be broken down or simplified, because there is always a chain of events, and we are merely a part of it.
i believe free will is what you make of it. to some its merely being able to get up and be in a place you call home. to others it means being able to do whatever you want whenever you want. Free will is just something that you must take as not fact but opinion. so you can make of it what you want. (hence the opinion lol )
I still am not completely following you. Perhaps I'm missing a fundamental part of your argument, or maybe I just really disagree that much, lol. I don't know.
What I DO know is that I agree with you to a point, as I've said. Where we disagree is actually at a point slightly further than your last post went. Yes, our decisions can be broken down into cause and effect. Yes, we can see WHY someone made a decision. The actual decision itself, though, lies solely in the mind of the decider. At the crucial time of decision, he or she makes the choice.
Often, that will follow his past or logical cause/effect relationships. Sometimes, though, it goes against all seemingly logical means and is way out in left field. To me, that seems to indicate that we do have the choice, period.
The question of free will is whether, and in what sense, rational agents exercise control over their actions and decisions. Addressing this question requires understanding the relationship between freedom and cause, and determining whether the laws of nature are causally deterministic. The various philosophical positions taken differ on whether all events are determined or notâ"determinism versus indeterminismâ"and also on whether freedom can coexist with determinism or notâ"compatibilism versus incompatibilism. So, for instance, hard determinists argue that the universe is deterministic, and that this makes free will impossible.
dangit thats a mouthful, sorry for the redundance too...
i believe we thrive off of 3 things impulses logic and instinct
we have free will inwhich how we use the logic he have
we dont have it however in the fact that we have instinct like all animals though they live souly on instinct while we only use it at certain times in our life
but even at that we do and dont with impulses we dont choose when or how we get them or even for what for but we do choose how to act on them
Zombie, you would really be interested in Kantian Ethics. If you will google that term and read up. He believes strongly in our animal instincts and how it affects morality.
if there is no free will, you could not be held responsible for your actions. o, well it was my animal instinct that made me rob,murder,rape,etc... that is crap. you made the decision to write in this your own free will.