I was just wondering, why doesn't he/her/it have a name? All other gods I know of have a name. Buddah, Allah, Zeus, Odin and all those other ones have names. Why is it just God? Not very creative it you ask me. Should have gotten a better editor for the Bible.
Jesus is God's son isn't he? And if it is Yahweh, which I have personally never heard of but will look into, why does everyone just say God? Are they ashamed of its funny name? And you might be right about that thread thing...oh well too late for that..:/
Wikipedia is a tacky source, but well... Also, I assume Christianity just deal with a "rank" instead of a name. Like going "Sir, you something something." After all, he is our lord and saviour, right? (for those who believe in that, of course).
Anyway, locking this because of link and well, it could be taken somewhere else for further discussion.