This is a little about Ramadan (I hope it's not too boring xD):
The word âIftarâ means to break fast and is also used just like the English word breakfast. In terms of fasting it refers to the meal taken after abstaining from food and drink from Dawn (about 1 ½ hour before sunrise) and till sunset. In winter, the fasting day may be less than 12 hours but in the summer it can exceed 16 hours.
While the human body is tougher than we think, this certainly requires patience and perseverance. Muslims are obligated to fast the full month of Ramadan, the 9th month in the Muslim Calendar. Children and those who are too old, ill or traveling are not obligated to fast, and if fasting may impact their health, they are prohibited from doing so.
Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, it is 10-11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. Every year Ramadan moves 10-11 days earlier in the Gregorian calendar than the year before. Therefore, Muslims observe the fast of Ramadan during every season and in every kind of weather, the short cold days, the long hot days, the mild fall days and the comforting spring days. Because it is a lunar calendar Muslims are reminded of the heavenly sign that acts as a cosmic time meter, the birth of the new moon that marks the start of every lunar month. As the month progresses they follow the crescentâs growth as it becomes a full moon then wanes into a crescent again and fades out at the end of the month.
Ramadan is a month of patience, giving and blessing. It is a chance for many to practice physical and spiritual self discipline that should be maintained throughout the year. Muslims abstain from eating and drinking and intimate marital interaction during the day. And, while Muslims are commanded to refrain from all that is ill or harmful to themselves or others year-round, it becomes even more dutiful to do so during Ramadan.
Although Muslims do not eat and drink during the day, it is mandated that they do so at sunset, and it is the teaching of the Prophet not to delay in breaking the fast. It is also his teaching that people should gather together when they eat, invoke the name of God, and enjoy the blessing of the food He has given us.
Another purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan is the constant reminder of all the people less fortunate, who do not eat every single day. It reminds every fasting Muslim that there are others out there who don't have a choice but to "fast" every day, due to lack of food. Fasting helps Muslims truly appreciate the blessing and prevlige of having food. At the end of Ramadan, Muslims must give a specified amount of food to the poor. Muslims are also encouraged to give during Ramadan as well.
yea like after the month of Ramadan, there is Eid. Eid is a holiday for Muslims and the word "eid" means "feast" in Arabic. Kids get presents and candyy!! lol
Kids gets present and candy? In Malaysia we don't get present and candy. We get money. The highest I've get is more then 200 MYR/RM The highest one of my friends got is more then a thousand.
The only problem i have with ramadan, is that it applies not only tot he healthy, but to everyone, including pregnant women, which can lead to fairly serious health consequences for the unborn children. Other than that i think its a good ceremony. I used to fast due to my christian parents (greek orthodox/CofE), and although i was never particularly religious, i think its important people suffer some physical hardship, if only to put their own relative comfort into perspective.
Pretty sure the OP said it doesnt need apply to those with health issues etc.
It doesnt specifically have to apply to everyone, but in practice, everyone has to do it. If the period of gestation occurs during the period of ramadan, the children born will be much more likely to be dangerously underweight.
It doesnt specifically have to apply to everyone, but in practice, everyone has to do it.
Well whoever does that or forces their family member to do that is a douchebag, and ramadam is not at fault. Im sure there will be die-hards who do this, and I think we should find em and give em a good ol spanking...
Isn't fasting unhealthy? Especially for people with health problems already, such as pregnant women, people with eating disabilities, extra?
It doesnt specifically have to apply to everyone, but in practice, everyone has to do it. If the period of gestation occurs during the period of ramadan, the children born will be much more likely to be dangerously underweight.
Haha I wonder if you all even bothered to read the paragraph... No, pregnant women don't need to fast. My mom didn't fast a single day when she was pregnant. If you see a preg. woman fasting, it's cuz she wants to.