ForumsWEPRUnitarian Universalism:Your thoughts?

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47 posts

This "religion" really speaks to me. I am agnostic, but after researching them, i think I finally think I found a religious group that I would feel comfortable in.

What are your thoughts?

  • 48 Replies
3,880 posts

If the UUA church doesnt involve prayer and welcomes those with no belief then perhaps its a step in the right direction.

Then why not dissolve the whole idea of religion itself?
47 posts

Last post for netbook needs some downtime...

and welcomes those with no belief

it does. That's why I was interested in the first place. I am hoping the church itself is much different then the one's i went to. If i walk in and there is nothing but crosses and such, basically a christian church the just "acknowledges" other religions, I leave immediately

religion has it's faults. i am hoping that at least this certain church, if anything, will at least correct the biggest fault:intolerance. The main goal of UU is acceptance and respect of all beliefs, but that's just on paper. This is the south(Florida) and this barely anything else than Christian. Most other religions are mostly not well accepted down here.
8,257 posts

You know Egypt? And Rome? etc? religion made those empires, and yes there was religious violence a plenty back then, but people werent so nice as it was...And I stress the fact, that It's the people that cause problems, not religion it self. get tolerant people, and you will see tolerable acts. the problem is that there is so few...

They controlled the people by consciently applied tyranny. Just like Alexander the Great controlled his army and growing epmire, and he didn't use religion. I know this is not enough to make any serious conclusion, but it seems that the part of religion that advanced these civilizations wasn't religion, but the way it was applied, together with politics. Apply it differently and they might not have advanced that much. Same if you look at the mayan.

religion has it's faults. i am hoping that at least this certain church, if anything, will at least correct the biggest fault:intolerance.

Let's hope so, that would be a step in the right direction, too.
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