Yep, you heard it. On August 23rd of 2010, after fighting both a fungus and moth infection, the horse-chestnut tree that Anne Frank often wrote about in her diary fell during a storm. Here's an excerpt:
"18th April 1944:
April is glorious, not too hot and not too cold, with occasional light showers. Our chestnut tree is in leaf, and here and there you can already see a few small blossoms."
Also back in January 11th 2010, Miep Gies, a dutch woman who helped hide the Franks died about one month shy of her 101st birthday. Tell how you think about this.
Wow. I cannot believe the responses here. Anne Frank was a little shit? She wasn't important at all? The Story of Anne Frank is her life, and like her, six million other people had lives like these too. She had a bright future and it was taken away from her solely because of her religion.
Yes it's a tree. But it was symbolic for so much more!
Guess the lest we forget bit after the war has been forgotten.
She was just one person. Who gives a damn about one person when 6 million others were killed at the same time and for the same reason? We shouldn't make a symbol out of her because it wasn't just her that suffered - it was one person and, even less significantly, one tree.
Guess the lest we forget bit after the war has been forgotten.
if that means what i think it means that war was over 60 years ago there were other wars were people of a certain religion were killed in genocide some are more recent
and symbolic? who cares it's a symbol unless it was the actual diary of Ann frank that was destroyed I'm not gonna get all teary eyed sad or even care
Yeah, I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say; It's just a tree, who cares. Some people are so sentimental, over things that have no meaning to them anyway... I didn't see anybody worshipping this tree before? And now It's fallen everyone's upset, go figure.
Yeah, I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say; It's just a tree, who cares. Some people are so sentimental, over things that have no meaning to them anyway... I didn't see anybody worshipping this tree before? And now It's fallen everyone's upset, go figure.
The same principle goes with everbthing else. It's human nature.
We are forgetting. With every dumbed down generation we are told how right war is when our own country is doin the killing. Lest we forget... pah! WE HAVE FORGOTTON! not many people on the AG forums have EVER been to war. Those that have Im sure will understand what the tree was. A memorial. A direction for people to look in and see what millions went through. Hell.
Anne frank should remain a symbol because people who look her up cannot avoid the fact that this happened to many many people, is happening, and will happen in future. Lest... we... forget...
Fcuk the tree. Plant a new one. Its the idea that needs to live on.
Who needs to remember the stupid wars over stupid reasons? All we need to remember is that far too many people died for far too stupid a reason. Why would I ever go to war? I won't - wars these days are over oil or money. Screw the war veterans - I pity what they had to go through but I'd be happy if they'd just shut the hell up for once.
Who needs to remember the stupid wars over stupid reasons?
The point is to learn a lesson, and to remember that lesson. I wont go to war either becauseI understand what a memorial is. Understanding doesnt mean you have to agree with war. And as for the veterans, well they went to war because they thought their goverment were sending them on a peace mission or fighting for their rights or fighting injustice or invaders etc... as you say, its all over power. All things like this come to money. Money leads to power. Man is just a bit too good at killing for power and forgetting the people that were trodden on to get there. Ever heard the saying "standing on the shoulders of giants"...
skater, you should know better than to necro a thread...
But some of the comments on the first few pages are completely inappropriate and anti-Semitic in nature. Yes it is merely a tree, however that tree is a symbol of the Holocaust. I wish that people could be a little bit more respectful when discussing something like this.
how is that tree a symbol? only because anna frank watched it? and there are lots of kids whit a diary back then (and now) only did anny franks diary get famous.
Anne Frank's diary is a staple of literature and of WW2 knowledge
I find Elie Weisel's Night to be a lot more important to the Holocaust than all of Anne Frank's experiences in hiding. It doesn't tell you much of anything about the Holocaust. And not to sound mean or anything...but it's a tree. That's like saying when I get super famous for something and then die, the laptop I'm using to make this post becomes overly famous and then more threads are made for when the laptop gives out and stops working or physically breaks.
how is that tree a symbol? only because anna frank watched it? and there are lots of kids whit a diary back then (and now) only did anny franks diary get famous.
I find Elie Weisel's Night to be a lot more important to the Holocaust than all of Anne Frank's experiences in hiding.
I agree. Henry Golde's Ragdolls is quite informative too. There's many great (by great I mean tragic yet very informative and well written) stories out there, but for some reason Frank's seems to get the most attention.
It's because while there are many accounts of what it was like to live in concentration camps, there were not so many about living in hiding, and then getting caught at the end of the war. Plus the fact that she died 5 days after being freed from Bergen-Belsen just added to her legacy. Plus she was a little girl during the Holocaust, and she had an interesting point of view.