For those aoe players out there, what do you think is the best one. Aoe 1 almost older than me lol but i think that it has the best gameplay. I had a stalmate once, not a tree any where.
The third is kinda crummy due to the boring cheats and the gameplay isn't as good the second is better for one main reason you can put gates on your walls which was a blessing rather than making a useless wall that anyone can walk through
For me personally, its gotta be Age of Empires II, I grew up playing it and I still no life it to date. I've played AoE III for awhile but that eventually became very entertaining and I think its the worst. I haven't played much of AoE I but for the time I did play it I found it very entertaining, so it comes in second.
1. Age of Empires II
2. Age of Empires I
3. Age of Empires III
Now if we include Age of Mythology I'd have to place that at 2nd, again I grew up with this game and play it from time to time
1. Age of Empires II
2. Age of Mythology
3. Age of Empires I
4. Age of Empires III