Why are there duplicates of the same game in my favorites? There are two and sometimes even three of the same game In my list why is that. I would also like to inquire as to why when I attempt to delete any of the extra favorite game icons in my list it removes all of that particular game not just the duplicate? Any intelligence regarding this issue will be of great assistance. Thank you for taking the time from your busy day to address these issue for me. As well I would like to thank you for the marvelous site you produce and all of it's content there in.
With sincere appreciation,
Mr.Jeremy "swat72" Swantner 26 August 2010 0335 Zulu EST
my problem is different, i try to ad a game to my favorites but nothing happens, it just leave the page and bring me to homepage. No game is added to favorites when i click that red plus heart.
However this has worked in the past since i have 4 games in the favs but i can add no more.
And the fact that it makes me leave the game page is pretty stupid since i have to go back and reload the game.
About the duplicates, this is bad programming if you ask me and can easily be fixed by a programmer. I am a programmer and trust me i know how easy it is.
So what is the solution, i want to add some games in the favs.( i use opera 11.10)