Hahaha Drek and thegrim23 those posts made my day lol. At anyrate people are racist becuase they want to feel supeior in one way or another. Racism is stupid to me but it unfortunatly we arn't going to get rid of it. It will probably stay around either till we all die or their is one single race, and if it is the one single race thing than racism will take a new form like maybe your nose is to big or something. I think that a dr. Sues story sums that last point pretty well and if I remeber the name I'll tell. It had something to do with having stars on your chest or not having them.
OMG Strategy_guy I remember watching that, how long...heavens, it was 15 years ago O_o
Anyhow, class-discrimination eh? Now it's getting really interesting:
I guess it is quite true generally that we respond to threat, and in this day and age affluence appears to be a sign of lesser threat (day to day walking down the street wise anyway.) To respond directly to this:
Similarly (I imagine) with the Lebanese population in that small town, the influx of new immigrants lead to a congregating of many poor and unemployed people.
In this specific example, no, but in other examples, yes- the recent racial tensions between the Sudanese population and the local whites in Flemington (way way south from Cronulla :P) could be construed in this manner- in that while not necessarily unemployed, the Sudanese immigrants seem to generally occupy a lower socio-economic status (SES), and may be accused as "layabout delinquents" for this reason.
In the case of the Lebanese immigrants, most of them come from mechanical families and therefore had no trouble gaining affluence; however it seemed that the youth culture is very aggressive and "in your face", and there were suspicions abound that several of the families were somehow involved in the drug trade. This said, all this has commuted to essentially judging a race based on looks.
The issue here is that some generalisations do work at some levels, and others not so well. I'd explain this further but I just realised I might simply be repeating myself, heh.
I Think Racism Is Going To Start Again If Baracka O'Bama Wins The Ellection. Because I Don't Think Racist People Would Want A Darker Skinned Man For President. That's My Point Of View.
Has racism ended? Its a huge part of the debate for the presidential candidate, sadly... Which is sad, because from what Ive seen he seems like a great guy... well, as great as a politician can be ^.^
Racism is a sad fact of life. Some people are so narrow minded that they fear or hate those that are unlike them.
@ Turret: Frankly I don't think you even understood what I said before writing that line.
@ Kichi: Hm, I see a lot of "is America ready for a black president?" being asked, so it's an interesting point. It works both ways- Obama's strong showing in the primaries seems undeniably due in part to capturing 'the racial vote', but people make a big deal about the implications of his being black AND president...
Though I wouldn't say it'd be exactly like Martin Luther King again- it may be optimistic but I am under the impression that the racial politic platform has shifted somewhat since then.
Well if Obama Wins the election there will be a lot of conflict spinning around him so he would have a harder time if he was president cause of all the people who hate blacks and i bet he will have like 5-2 body guard around him at one time LOL
And with Hilery(sorry for the spelling) wins a lot of men (mostly men not women) will be outraged that she won the election but they are called sexist's i think so both of them have it coming hard >0