What did you guys think of this movie? lame or amazing? scary or over rated?
i watched it on the plane on the way to cube for my holiday at easter but i didnt think its that good
i haven't watched it but i think it looks good
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i heart IAL
heh, it's kinda interesting, but then boring...i hate wilderness and survival movies...last man on earth lol
i love the part where they dace and stuff!!! lol
lol (:
The book sucked, the comic rocked and the movie was atrocious.
Oh hang ka jiiiii!Laokaopola tueg bango
it was horrible thought that will smith was smoking crack when he decided to be the actor
i thought the movie was pretty good. it made me think of what we'd do if a super-virus broke out. would we be prepared?
it was okay some parts made me jump and i didnt care for the ending though, original or alternative. still a great movie but now adays they all go on in NY, they should change locations.
I love that movie so much =) I don't see why so many people think so very negatively against it. It's great in my personal opinion!
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