My friend recently told some of his friendsvhe likes metal music but they didn't believe him. He is Indian, they said "You shouldn't listen to metal" and other comments like that.
So I want to ask you guys, is does race have something to do with the music you should or shouldn't listen to, personally I say Hell No!
Should a Black guy not listen to country?, should a white guy not listen to bollywood music?
It has more to do with the region rather than the race. Hip-hop originated in the urban areas, where black people just happened to be the majority. Country is enjoyed most in the southern United States by people of every ethnicity. There aren't a lot of country singers who aren't white, which is why it's associated mostly with white people. Most popular hip-hop artists are black, so hip-hop is mostly associated with black people.
But nobody should decide what music you should and shouldn't listen to.
umm.. no... I live in the south and i hate country and love metal. but where i live most white people listen to hip-hop and alot of black people listen to country... go figure..
My friend recently told some of his friendsvhe likes metal music but they didn't believe him. He is Indian, they said "You shouldn't listen to metal" and other comments like that.
I never listened to them, but there are Indian metal bands. Tell that to your friends, they maybe won't believe that either but from there on that's their problem.
Musical habits are I think mostly due to what you heard in your youth, and your social surrounding. And your mood, very important. But nothing to do with 'race', really not.
It has more to do with the region rather than the race.
It just happens to be so that different races live in different regions. I think your friend is ridiculous for telling someone he can't listen to certain music because of his skin tone he was born with.
It has to do with culture, with some other minor things. Saying most rap originates in the ghetto, and most people in the ghetto are black, would thus mean most rappers are black. Trace it back, it's in the ghetto, which is a culture in its own.
Though many forms have racial majorities. Most metal heads would be white, most hip hop and rappers would be black, and various cultural music would belong to that culture.
Though it's most noticeable within the realms of rock and hip hop.